

2022/12/23 9:36:51來(lái)源:CATTI中心




1. Which of the following statements about who is responsible for any error that might occur in the process of translation or interpreting is wrong?

A. Translators must take all errors seriously no matter whether they occur in the source language or in the target language and correct them promptly.

B. Once an interpreter finds that the speaker has made an obvious factual or logical mistake, he/she should correct it in his/her interpretation in a timely manner.

C. When someone points out a mistake in the interpretation, the interpreter should immediately admit and correct it.

D. If your translation needs to be revised by others, the quality of the translation remains your responsibility, including the errors that have occurred in the revised part.


解析:本道題考查了翻譯職業(yè)道德。本道題設問(wèn)較復雜,但并不難理解,抓住關(guān)鍵詞“error that may occur in the process of translation”可知,本道題考查選手如何應對翻譯過(guò)程中出現的錯誤。同時(shí),本道題是“選錯題”,即選出一個(gè)選項并不是正確做法的選項,是一個(gè)典型的陷阱設置題,選手在做題時(shí)千萬(wàn)不可大意。A選項為“應嚴肅對待源語(yǔ)和譯入語(yǔ)中出現的錯誤”;B選項為“在口譯時(shí),應及時(shí)糾正講話(huà)中出現的明顯事實(shí)和邏輯錯誤”;C選項為“在口譯中,如果有人指出翻譯的錯誤,譯員應及時(shí)接受并改正”;D選項為“當譯員的譯文被他人修改后,在他人修改部分如果出現了錯誤,譯員也要對此部分內容負責”;顯然,D項不符合問(wèn)題處理的思路。考生在解答此類(lèi)問(wèn)題時(shí),要對譯員的行為規范有清楚認知,包括基本行為規范以及譯前、譯中、譯后行為規范四部分。


2. Avery had established himself as a/an __________ microbiologist, but had never imagined venturing into the new world of genes and chromosomes.

A. efficient

B. competent

C. patient

D. innocent


解析:本道題為詞匯辨析題,主要考查選手對句子內容的理解能力和詞匯的積累情況。原句為“埃弗里已經(jīng)是一位_______微生物學(xué)家身份,但從未想過(guò)要冒險涉足基因和染色體領(lǐng)域。根據關(guān)鍵詞“himself, microbiologist”這樣的表達,還有“had done something”這樣的句型和傳遞出的語(yǔ)氣,可以確定,這里需要選擇一個(gè)可以修飾人、且能與后半句內容銜接起來(lái)的形容詞。A項表示“效率高的”;B項表示“有能力的、足以勝任的”;C項表示“耐心的”;D項表示“無(wú)辜的”。所以這里最合適的應該是B選項。


3. It is imperative that the government _______ more investment into the autonomous driving industry.

A. attracts   B. shall attract    C. attract     D. attracted


解析:本道題為語(yǔ)法判斷題。it is imperative that是一個(gè)固定句型,表示“當務(wù)之急的是……”,that后邊為should + 動(dòng)詞原型,should可省略,所以這里可以直接選擇C選項。


4. We have maintained consultation with the ASEAN(東盟)on the formulation of codes of conduct in the South China Sea area.

A. 制定中國南海地區行為準則   

B. 擬定中國南海地區行動(dòng)準則

C. 簽訂中國南海地區行動(dòng)準則   

D. 形成中國南海地區行為準則


解析:本道題主要考查了短語(yǔ)的翻譯。對于此類(lèi)題型,我們可以采取選項對比法,先排除錯誤選項;再根據原句內容,確定最恰當的翻譯。幾個(gè)選項的不同點(diǎn)主要體現為動(dòng)詞的不同,分別是“制定”、“擬定”、“簽訂”、和“形成”的區別和“行為”與“行動(dòng)”的區別。所以在這里,我們要根據原文對應的on the formulation of、codes of conduct、整體句意maintain the consultation(保持磋商)和實(shí)際情況,選擇一個(gè)最合適的翻譯內容,最終我們可將答案定位到A選項。


5. 中國航空航天技術(shù)比較先進(jìn),是成功把人類(lèi)送上太空的國家之一。

A. aerospace technology

B. airplane technology

C. space-shuttle technology

D. flight technology





Some parents are concerned ________ (21) that their kids spend a lot of time looking at screens. They’re hearing a message that the usage of social media and digital technology is ________ (22) serious and harmful problems, like depression and other related behaviors. But a new study argues against the ________ (23) that parents may feel.


21. A. to   B. about  C. by    D. of  

22. A. leading B. causing  C. working  D. winning

23. A. anxiety B. extensity C. expectation D. anticipation


解析:完形填空題會(huì )對選手的綜合能力進(jìn)行詳細的考查。選手在做完形填空題時(shí),可以先通讀全文,掌握全文意思,然后根據文章內容、詞匯辨析、語(yǔ)法知識等,選擇合適的選項。

第21題考查了介詞搭配。根據原文的be (are) concerned和文章內容,這里要選擇一個(gè)能夠表達“對……擔心的”詞組,be concerned about/for sht為固定搭配,表示“擔心的、憂(yōu)慮的”,所以可直接將答案定位為B選項。

第22題考查了詞匯辨析和篇章理解。根據原文內容,我們這里要填入一個(gè)可以表示“社交媒體和數字技術(shù)的使用帶來(lái)嚴重后果”的詞或短語(yǔ)。C、D選項不符合原文意思;而A選項在表示“導致”時(shí),應該為lead to。所以正確答案為B選項。




While browsing for digital presents is something we “often don’t consider” because of "the tradition of having something physically wrapped up", professor in consumer behaviour from Queensland University of Technology, Gary Mortimer, says the pool of virtual gifting options has dramatically deepened.


36. What is Gary Mortimer’s opinion on virtual gift?

A. It’s uncommon for people to select a digital gift for friends.

B. Most people do not prefer gifts that can be wrapped up physically.

C. People have increasingly more choices for virtual gifts.

D. A deep pool of virtual gifts makes it hard to select.


解析:閱讀理解題同樣會(huì )對選手的綜合能力進(jìn)行詳細的考查。選手在做閱讀理解題時(shí),可以先通讀全文,掌握全文意思,然后根據問(wèn)題設問(wèn)等,迅速定位問(wèn)題及選項涉及的關(guān)鍵語(yǔ)段,然后做出正確選擇,但同時(shí)也要注意,閱讀理解中的試題答案,不一定只分布在一段話(huà)中,選擇答案時(shí),要能夠在文章中找出可佐證的描述。


第36題是態(tài)度推理題。題干詢(xún)問(wèn)了Gary Mortimer對virtural gift(虛擬禮物)的看法。我們根據關(guān)鍵詞可以直接定位到第一段話(huà)。B選項與原文表達的意思相反;A選項和D選項均有混淆之意,A選項并未在原文體現,而D選項則是增添了額外的邏輯關(guān)系;所以答案可以定為C選項,the pool... deepened,實(shí)則想要表達的就是“人們在挑選虛擬禮品時(shí)的選擇增多”。