

2022/12/22 16:51:45來(lái)源:CATTI中心










1. If the translation assignment you have been given contains a lot of specialized technical terms of which you don’t have adequate knowledge, you should ________.

A. use plain language to circumvent the so-called “hard part”

B. try to find alternative expressions to represent such terms

C. do some research, consult specialists in this area and reference materials for better knowledge and proper terminologies before starting to do the translation

D. negotiate with your client and ask him/her what to do



本題考查譯員職業(yè)道德準則與行為規范。根據中國翻譯協(xié)會(huì )于2019年發(fā)布的《譯員職業(yè)道德準則與行為規范》中的譯員職業(yè)道德準則第三條“忠實(shí)傳譯”,譯員應準確理解并忠實(shí)于傳譯源語(yǔ)信息,不宜根據自己的意愿或觀(guān)點(diǎn)進(jìn)行修飾或增刪等更改。A選項“使用通俗語(yǔ)言,回避所謂的難點(diǎn)”和B選項(試圖尋找其他說(shuō)法來(lái)表示這類(lèi)術(shù)語(yǔ))均不符合“忠實(shí)傳譯”的標準。D選項(與客戶(hù)協(xié)商,詢(xún)問(wèn)對方該如何處理)的做法過(guò)于消極,未能發(fā)揮譯員的主觀(guān)能動(dòng)性。

由于翻譯工作涉及大量專(zhuān)業(yè)領(lǐng)域,譯員在執行翻譯任務(wù)過(guò)程中,會(huì )不可避免地接觸到大量專(zhuān)業(yè)性較強的文件,例如科技、法律、醫學(xué)、工程類(lèi)文件。一位合格的譯員不僅需要具備扎實(shí)的語(yǔ)言功底,還要了解不同領(lǐng)域的專(zhuān)業(yè)知識。此外,對專(zhuān)業(yè)資料的搜集和查證能力,也屬于譯員的基本素養。當遇到不夠熟悉的領(lǐng)域,或者專(zhuān)業(yè)性過(guò)于深入時(shí),譯員應當做好充分的譯前準備,主動(dòng)了解學(xué)習專(zhuān)門(mén)知識,請教專(zhuān)業(yè)人士,務(wù)必確保將專(zhuān)業(yè)術(shù)語(yǔ)翻譯到位,方便譯文讀者的理解。因此,C選項正確。


2. ______ for the fact that she broke her arm, Shirley might have passed the exam.

A. Had it not been

B. Hadn’t it been

C. Was it not

D. Were it not



本題為語(yǔ)法判斷題,考查的重點(diǎn)是虛擬語(yǔ)氣的倒裝句。從后半句Shirley might have passed the exam可以判斷出,該句為虛擬條件句,并且表示與過(guò)去事實(shí)相反的情況。其句法結構為:(從句)if+主語(yǔ)+had done,(主句)主語(yǔ)+should/would/might/could+have done。其中,如果從句中含有wereshouldhad等動(dòng)詞,可將if省略,同時(shí)將wereshouldhad等詞移至句首,因此原本的從句If it had not been the fact that...就倒裝為Had it not been the fact that...,故選A項。



3. Now China tries to keep her population ______ by encouraging married couples of childbearing age to have three kids.

A. number

B. quantity

C. size

D. amount






4. Failure to fulfill the membership requirements listed in the agreement ______ him from the football club.

A. discharged

B. dismissed

C. disqualified

D. disfavored



本題考查詞義辨析。A選項discharge的主要釋義為“準許某人離開(kāi);釋放;解雇”等,B選項dismiss意為解雇,免除,開(kāi)除C選項disqualify意為取消資格,使不合格”D選項disfavor為名詞,意為不贊成;冷待;反對”。結合題干failure to fulfill the membership requirements(沒(méi)有達到會(huì )員要求),可以判斷只有C選項符合語(yǔ)義。

參考譯文:因為沒(méi)有達到協(xié)議中列出的會(huì )員條件,他失去了進(jìn)入足球俱樂(lè )部的資格。


5. Some observers fret that, Chinese consumers, burdened by rising debt, have started opting for cheaper goods.

A. 一些觀(guān)察員擔心,中國消費者面對日益加重的債務(wù)負擔,開(kāi)始選擇更加便宜的商品。

B. 有些觀(guān)察員認為,中國消費者在債務(wù)重壓下已經(jīng)開(kāi)始選擇更便宜的商品了,這讓他們感到害怕。

C. 有些觀(guān)察者感到害怕,在債務(wù)重壓下,中國消費者已經(jīng)開(kāi)始選擇更便宜的貨物了。

D. 有些觀(guān)察者認為,在債務(wù)重壓下,中國消費者已經(jīng)開(kāi)始選擇更便宜的貨物了,他們?yōu)榇耸謸摹?/span>



本題考查句子翻譯。 Fret的英文釋義為to be worried or unhappy and not able to relax,也就是擔心、憂(yōu)慮的意思。Chinese consumers后面burdened by rising debt為插入語(yǔ)成分,用于描述中國消費者所面臨的狀況或當前的處境,即中國消費者承受著(zhù)日益加重的債務(wù)負擔,具體措辭可根據上下文來(lái)定。BCD選項均未表達出rising,也就是債務(wù)負擔不斷加重的意思。其次,goods既可以解釋為商品,也可以解釋為貨物。區別在于,商品通常是針對消費者而言,而貨物則通常針對生產(chǎn)和供應鏈中的各方,例如生產(chǎn)商、供銷(xiāo)商等。在考查譯文好壞時(shí),除了考慮語(yǔ)義是否準確、信息有無(wú)遺漏、詞匯搭配是否合適之外,還要考慮句子是否簡(jiǎn)潔明了。“觀(guān)察員(者)認為……他們對此十分擔心”這樣的表達顯得拖沓冗余,不如A選項文字簡(jiǎn)練。因此,在做這類(lèi)題時(shí),不僅要從細節把關(guān),排除錯誤選項,也要考慮到整體文字風(fēng)格,找出最佳選項。


6. 要記住,工作面試時(shí),你同樣也在面試這家公司。

A. Remember, when youre interviewing for a job, youre also interviewing with the company.

B. Remember, when you are interviewed for a job with a company, you are also interviewing that company.

C. Remember, your job interview, you are also in the interview the company.

D. Keep in mind that when you are interviewing for a job, you are also interviewing for that company.



本題考查句子翻譯。工作面試為interview somebody,表示to ask someone questions in a formal meeting in order to find out if they are suitable for a job。當somebody做主語(yǔ)時(shí),這里應該為be interviewed,應排除AD選項,C選項的句子結構并不完整,因此選擇B選項更加合理。本題還要注意interview與介詞的搭配,interview for后面跟的通常是某項工作或某個(gè)職位。




Of the four ancient civilizations in the world, the Chinese civilization has the longest ______ (1) history. One important reason for this is that China has used the same language as the ______ (2) of its culture. The first emperor of the Qing Dynasty brought different states ______ (3) a centralized China with the same language system. It is worth noting that he initiated the building of the terracotta army. The warriors were later ______ (4) in Xi’an, the eastern starting ______ (5) of the ancient Silk Road. Lishan Mountain in Xi’an had been selected as a favored place for the emperor’s mausoleum due to its ______ (6) location.(節選)


1.        A. continue          B. continuous             C. continued               D. continuing

2.        A. monument      B. instrument              C. cradle                     D. carrier

3.        A. into                 B. within                    C. inside                     D. with

4.        A. revealed          B. excavated               C. uncovered              D. exposed

5.        A. position           B. venue                     C. point                      D. section

6.        A. renowned       B. unsung                   C. auspicious              D. fortunate




1. 本題考查單詞用法。空白處前面是形容詞longest,后面是名詞history,由此判斷空白處應該填入一個(gè)形容詞,與longest共同修飾history,因此排除A選項。BCD選項中的continuouscontinuedcontinuing均可作形容詞使用,需要辨析三者之間的差異。continuedcontinuing意思相近,均表示 ongoing, existing as before(持續進(jìn)行的、已經(jīng)存在的),continuous的意思是happening/being without interruption, without space(連續不斷的,沒(méi)有中斷的)。結合常識,我們可以判斷這句要表達的意思是,在世界四大古文明中,中華文明是歷史最悠久、未曾中斷的文明。因此答案為B


2. 本題考查詞匯搭配。該句的大意為“其中一個(gè)重要原因是,中國一直使用同一種語(yǔ)言作為文化的_______。”monument意為“紀念碑”;instrument意為“工具;樂(lè )器”;cradle意為“搖籃,發(fā)源地”;carrier意為“載體”。根據上下文,D選項所組成的“文化載體”更符合整句話(huà)要表達的含義,因此選D


3. 本題考查固定搭配。 bring somebody/something into something的意思是to cause someone or something to be in a particular situation(使某人/某物進(jìn)入某種特定狀態(tài))。本句要表達的意思是秦始皇將原本一盤(pán)散沙的大小邦國變成了一個(gè)中央集權國家,因此選擇A選項。


4. 本題考查詞義辨析。reveal意為“揭示;透露”,excavate意為“發(fā)掘,挖出(古建筑或古物)”,uncover意為“揭露,揭發(fā)”,expose意為“曝光,使顯露”,一般使用被動(dòng)“be exposed to”(暴露于……),因此選項B正確,意為“之后這些兵馬俑在西安被挖掘出來(lái)。”


5. 本題考查詞匯搭配。The warriors were later ______ (4) in Xi’an, the eastern starting ______ (5) of the ancient Silk Road這個(gè)句子當中,the eastern starting ______ (5) of the ancient Silk Road作為同位語(yǔ)成分,用來(lái)補充說(shuō)明西安的地理位置。starting point為固定搭配,表示起點(diǎn),因此本句的意思是西安是古絲綢之路東端的起點(diǎn)。其他選項position意味“位置”、venue意為“地點(diǎn)”,section意為“部分;段”,均不符合原文含義。


6. 本題考查詞義辨析和搭配。本句大意為“驪山位于西安,因其______地理位置,一直是皇帝陵墓的首選之地”,由此判斷空白處應該填一個(gè)感情色彩積極的形容詞。renowned意為“著(zhù)名的”,unsung意為“被埋沒(méi)的,未被頌揚的”,auspiciousfortunate為近義詞,不過(guò)fortunate表示coming by good luck or favorable chance也就是“幸運的”,而auspicious表示showing signs that something is likely to be successful in the future(吉利的,吉兆的),因此選擇C選項“祥瑞之地”符合語(yǔ)義。




Cultural industry is wide-ranging, covering numerous segments that are profitable on their own and have the potential to generate countless derivative niches. Suppose MGM plans to establish a venture in China to shoot a Hollywood film, it can count more on Chinese businesses for diverse support. MGM may look to Chinese partners for costume orders and rental, peripheral product marketing, and even box lunch supply around their movie studios. All these are exciting opportunities available to Chinese businesses. It is said that members of several cabaret (卡巴萊) show performing troupes are trying to learn English, and some dancing academies now offer courses on ballroom dance to accommodate the needs of dancers and future patrons. These are examples to illustrate how small businesses can identify the needs of big ones and figure out ways to meet them so that they can grow and expand before being taken over.(節選)


1.        The underlined phrase derivative niches could be replaced by ______.

A.      unexpected chances

B.       auxiliary positions

C.       additional opportunities

D.      reproduced fortune


2.        Which stakeholder is NOT mentioned if MGM makes a blockbuster in China?

A.      Companies producing clothes worn by actors.

B.       People sponsoring ballroom dance.

C.       Small businesses serving box lunches.

D.      Peripheral land owners with reduced rent.



1. C本題為詞義/語(yǔ)義題。本題要求從四個(gè)選項中選擇一個(gè),替換劃線(xiàn)部分,因此該選項不僅要與劃線(xiàn)部分語(yǔ)義相近,而且能與上下文銜接自然。derivative意為“衍生的”,niche意為“合適的位置;(產(chǎn)品的)商機”,因此選擇C項,additional opportunities


2. D本題為細節題。根據題干關(guān)鍵詞定位到文段第三句及之后的內容,點(diǎn)出了如果米高梅在中國拍攝大片,其利益相關(guān)者有哪些。例如,MGM may look to Chinese partners for costume orders and rental, peripheral product marketing, and even box lunch supply around their movie studios. 還有It is said that...and some dancing academies now offer courses on ballroom dance to accommodate the needs of dancers and future patrons. 將該題四個(gè)選項與這三個(gè)利益相關(guān)者逐一對比后可以發(fā)現,D不在其列,故為正確答案。