

2022/9/19 9:55:10來(lái)源:CATTI中心





I. Multiple-choice Questions (40 points)

In this section, there are 20 questions with 4 choices. Each question only has ONE right answer.


1. The classroom _____ twenty feet across.

A. measures

B. has measured

C. measuring

D. is measured



2. _____ you insist, I will reconsider the matter.

A. But

B. When

C. Since

D. For



3. I won’t consider _____ my job at this time.

A. quit

B. to quit

C. quitting

D. to quitting



4. You _____ your visa extended before it expires.

A. had better to get

B. had better get

C. had better got

D. had to get better



5. While I _____ with my wife last night, an old friend of mine showed up.

A. talked

B. had talked

C. would talk

D. was talking



6. If I had not called for a doctor, your friend _____.

A. had died

B. will die

C. would die

D. would have died



7. Bill wasn’t happy about the delay, and _____.

A. I was neither

B. I wasn’t either

C. neither I was

D. either was I



8. Can you tell me the reason _____ you are always late?

A. why

B. that

C. which

D. how



9. Smith is not so _____ as you are.

A. strongest

B. stronger

C. strong

D. the strong



10. I don’t take John’s laptop because I don’t like _____.

A. that laptop of his

B. that laptop of him

C. his that pen

D. that his pen



11. All he ever thinks about is making _____.

A. income

B. salary

C. money

D. currency



12. She still doesn’t know how she found her _____ to the meeting without map.

A. road

B. route

C. way

D. direction



13. He had been sent to prison twice for _____.

A. robber

B. thief

C. cheat

D. stealing



14. You should be _____ of yourself for treating your own brother so badly.

A. guilty

B. ashamed

C. astonished

D. shy



15. He refused to _____ to the victim.

A. apologize

B. regret

C. be sorrowful

D. bow



16. I’m not surprised he is late again: he never appears _____ at mealtime.

A. exact

B. lately

C. punctually

D. early



17. I’m sorry for being late. I was held up in a traffic _____.

A. sauce

B. jam

C. group

D. crowd



18. The primitive tribe had lived peacefully deep in the mountains _____ a great many years.

A. during

B. on

C. in

D. for



19. It took him two hours to _____ his journey.

A. realize

B. complete

C. come

D. start



20. London is one of the important _____ centers of the world.

A. financial

B. finance

C. economical

D. economic



II. Reading Comprehension (40 points)

In this section, you will find after each of the passages a number of questions or unfinished statements about the passage, each with 4 choices to answer the question or complete the statement. You must choose the one which you think fits best.


Passage 1

A new study shows that bilingual speakers’ ability to speak a second language is improved after they have consumed a low dose of alcohol.


It is well-established that alcohol damages cognitive and motor functions. “Executive functions”, which include the ability to remember, pay attention, and prevent improper behaviors, are particularly sensitive to the effects of alcohol. While alcohol increases self-confidence and reduces social anxiety, both of which might be expected to improve language ability, especially, the ability to speak a second language, when interacting with another person.


An experimental study was to test these competing predictions for the first time. The researchers tested the effects of a low dose of alcohol on participants’ self-rated and observer-rated ability to converse in Dutch. Participants were 50 native German speakers who were studying at a Dutch University (Maastricht) and had recently learned to speak, read and write in Dutch.


Participants bought randomly either a low dose of alcohol or a control beverage that contained no alcohol, before they chatted with an experimenter in Dutch for a few minutes. The exact dose of alcohol varied depending on participants’ body weight, but it was equivalent to just under a pint (460 ml) of 5% beer, for a 70kg male.


The researchers found that participants who had consumed alcohol had significantly better observer-ratings for their Dutch language, specifically better pronunciation, compared to those who had not consumed alcohol. However, alcohol had no effect on self-ratings of Dutch language skills.


Dr Jessica Werthmann who was one of the researchers, said “We need to be cautious about the implications of these results until we know more about what causes the observed results. One possible reason could be the anxiety-reducing effect of alcohol. But more research is needed to test this.”


21.  What languages could the participants speak in the study?

A. English and Dutch.

B. English and German.

C. German and Dutch.

D. German and French.


22.  When did the bilingual participants’ second language get improved?

A. After they have drunk some beverage.

B. After they have drunk a little alcohol.

C. After they have drunk much beverage.

D. After they have drunk plenty of alcohol.


23.  Which one will be LEAST affected by the effect of alcohol among “executive functions”?

A. The ability to remember.

B. The ability to focus on things.

C. The ability to inhibit improper behaviors.

D. The ability to talk.


24.  Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. A low dose of alcohol will limit the ability to speak a second language.

B. Alcohol will increase self-confidence.

C. Alcohol will reduce social anxiety.

D. Alcohol will improve the ability to speak a second language.


25.  What is the main idea of the text?

A. The researchers intend to prove the effects of a low dose of alcohol on Germans’ self-rated and observer-rated ability to talk in Dutch.

B. Participants drank randomly a low dose of alcohol or soft drink, before they spoke Dutch.

C. The study shows that alcohol consumption has positive effects on the pronunciation of a second language in people who recently learn that language.

D. Participants who consumed a low dose of alcohol have significantly better observer-ratings for their second language, but more research is needed to test this.



Passage 2

There are many ways we can enjoy sport—watching it on TV or a smartphone, attending an event at a stadium or even playing the game. But for those who enjoy getting competitive with their computer gaming, there are realistic-looking games with lifelike graphics to be played without leaving home. It’s this type of sport—if that’s what we can call it—that has become big business. And interest in it has gone to a new level.


Initially, grabbing a controller and playing a game was a lonely activity. But around 20 years ago computers became cheaper and the internet became faster, which made it much easier for more people to get involved with computer gaming. This led to gamers connecting with each other around the world, so they could go head-to-head online. It also became a sport with people watching others play. The whole experience has been given the name “esports”—electronic sports.


Now, huge esports competitions take place all over the world in big arenas with large crowds. Die-hard enthusiasts, who have become first-rate players, are now well-known—some play together in teams. Its top stars can earn millions of dollars a year, without even breaking into a sweat! And fans from around the world tune in to watch the action online. The global audience is now estimated at more than 200 million and growing. Annual revenues from esports, currently around 650 million dollars for events, continue to rise with billions more generated through video games sales.


Famous football clubs are now trying to get in on the action. England’s Football Association for example launched its first esports team this year, known as the eLions. It recruited Fifa 19 players to represent them at the Fifa eNations Cup. Mark Bullingham, the FA’s chief commercial and football development officer, said “The FA prides itself on being a modern, innovative organization that strives to engage and inspire all generations of football fans.”


But while this virtual version of football might give aspiring footballers a chance to get closer to the real game, some might argue the lack of physical activity means it shouldn’t be called a sport—and the biggest winners are the companies who promote and sell esports.


26.  There are many ways we can enjoy sport EXCEPT _____.

A. watching TV or a smartphone

B. attending an event at a stadium

C. playing computer games

D. reading novels


27.  Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. A game player can play games alone at home.

B. Computers are cheaper to buy.

C. Esports have no audience.

D. More player will get involved in computer games easily.


28. Which of the following statements can NOT enable esports to become more popular?

A. Computers became cheaper.

B. The internet became faster.

C. Players are easily connected with each other worldwide.

D. Fifa plays a vital role in esports’ promotion.


29. Which statement is NOT true according to the text?

A. Huge esports competitions are popular with large crowds.

B. The audience all over the world is now estimated as many as 200 million.

C. Top players can earn millions of dollars a year easily.

D. First-rate players are famous and they play together in teams.


30. Why do some people think that an esport shouldn’t be called a sport?

A. It lacks physical activity.

B. Famous football clubs are unhappy.

C. Esports help players understand the real game better.

D. Biggest winners of esport are the companies who promote and sell esports.



Passage 3

The legal definition of consideration is based on the concept of a “bargained-for exchange”. This means that both parties are getting something that they have agreed to, usually something of value for something of value.


Say, for example, that your neighbor admires your bicycle. You know you are moving soon, so you offer (an “offer” is an element of a contract) to sell it to her for $100 (consideration). She accepts your offer (acceptance is also an element of a contract), but cannot pay you until she goes to the bank. So, you scribble a quick note describing both of your intentions to enter into this agreement and hand her a copy of the note. You now have an enforceable contract because the elements of a contract are in place, including this “bargained-for” exchange.


On the other hand, if you tell your neighbor that you will give her the bicycle if you cannot sell it at your garage sale, there is no element of consideration because she has not agreed to pay you anything. Your promise to give her the bicycle may be an enforceable promise, but it isn’t an enforceable contract. Consideration is not usually an element of a gift.


Consideration is an essential part of a valid contract with its own requirements. For consideration, itself, to be valid, each party to the contract typically must do one of the following:

a. Make a promise to the other party.

b. Perform an act.

c. Agree not to do something.


Each party’s promise, performance, or agreement not to do something is usually in exchange for the other party’s promise, performance, or agreement not to do something. Whatever it is that a party promises, performs, or agrees not to do must typically have some value that can be recognized by law. The value does not have to be monetary, or anything that would be recognized as having value by most people. Generally speaking, if a party accepts a promise, performance, or forbears from doing (agrees not to do) something they have a right to do, the promise, performance or forbearance may be found to have some legally-recognized value.


Money (or the promise to pay a monetary sum) is a common form of consideration, but it is not the only one. The law recognizes many types of consideration, including: providing a service, land, objects, goods, giving up an existing benefit, refraining from engaging in a particular activity or behavior.


Lengthy court cases and writings abound on the subject of what constitutes consideration. To be very concise, there are two more important things to know. First, consideration does not have to be money. It can be something of value, so it can be another object or a service. Second, what you bargain for does not have to meet anyone else’s standards of value and courts have consistently refused to weigh in on this subject. In other words, if you had offered to sell your bicycle to your neighbor and asked for her collection of antique cigar tins in exchange, and your neighbor agrees to pay that amount (i.e., give you her collection of cigar tins for the bicycle), it doesn’t matter that the agreement may seem unfair to some. You made an offer of the bicycle, your neighbor accepted it for consideration, and you both intended to enter this agreement, and you are both competent to do so; therefore, it is a viable contract. Whether someone else thinks it is fair or not is irrelevant, as long as it is not unconscionable.


31. What is the concept that consideration is based on?

A. Exchange of things of value.

B. Exchange of values.

C. Exchange of commodities.

D. Exchange of bargains.


32. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. A contract is composed of an offer and its acceptance.

B. A contract should reflect intentions to reach an agreement.

C. $100 in Paragraph 2 is regarded as consideration because the price is low.

D. An enforceable contract is legally binding that can be imposed by law.


33. An enforceable promise is not an enforceable contract because ______.

A. it is not legally binding

B. it is not consideration

C. it cannot be realized

D. it is not agreed upon


34. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a requirement of consideration?

A. A promise is made.

B. A gift is offered.

C. A service is completed.

D. An agreement is reached.


35. Which of the following has the so-called legally-recognized value?

A. A party offers a promise without being recognized by the other party.

B. A party promises to do something that would violate the law.

C. A party refrains from doing something that it is not entitled to.

D. A party performs something that is accepted by the other party.


36. A form of consideration includes the following EXCEPT ____________.

A. providing a service

B. offering real estate

C. certain rights that have been renounced

D. any promise that has been made


37. What can be inferred from the first sentence of Paragraph 7?

A. People have different understandings on what constitutes consideration.

B. There are few court cases and writings on what constitutes consideration.

C. What constitutes consideration is already agreed upon by all the parties.

D. The concept of consideration is fixed, stable and easy to understand.


38. What is the purpose of the example of selling one’s bicycle for antique cigar tins?

A. To prove that bicycles are of great value.

B. To prove that antique cigar tins are of low value.

C. To explain consideration might not meet the existing standards of value.

D. To support the idea that consideration can be anything in a monetary form.


39. Which of the following is NOT a premise of a viable contract according to the bicycle case mentioned in Paragraph 7?

A. An offer should be made first.

B. The offer is accepted by the other party.

C. Both of the parties are reasonable.

D. A written agreement should be available.


40. The underlined word “unconscionable” in the context means ______.

A. excessive

B. unreasonable

C. immoral

D. unconscious



III. Translation of Underlined Parts (20 points)

In this section, there are 20 sentences. For each sentence, there are four suggested translations of its underlined part.Choose the one that you think is the best answer. Each question only has ONE right answer.


41. Agreement shall end automatically without the need for any notice, unless the University agrees otherwise in writing.

A. 大學(xué)另有書(shū)面同意者除外

B. 除非大學(xué)同意以文字形式

C. 如若大學(xué)另有書(shū)面同意書(shū)

D. 大學(xué)另外以書(shū)面形式除外



42. Nowadays, traditional solutions to those tax disputes include Mutual Agreement Procedure and certain domestic legal procedures.

A. 相互同意程序

B. 共同訴訟程序

C. 共同合議程序

D. 相互協(xié)商程序



43. It is the prosecution’s duty to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the person on trial is, indeed, guilty of the crime.

A. 無(wú)法懷疑

B. 值得懷疑

C. 排除合理懷疑

D. 高度合理懷疑



44. The arbitration process is faster and more efficient than court trials. In addition, arbitration is a cheaper option than going to a full-on court trial.

A. 調解機制

B. 仲裁程序

C. 裁決程序

D. 仲裁機制



45. Certain intangible rights granted by statute to the author or originator of certain literary or artistic productions, whereby, for a limited period, the exclusive privilege is given to that person.

A. 無(wú)形權利……獨占權

B. 有形權利……獨占權

C. 無(wú)形權利……特許權

D. 有形權利……特許權



46. Where the sale is made to a Hong Kong customer, the sale contract will usually be taken as having been affected in Hong Kong.

A. 向香港客戶(hù)銷(xiāo)售的

B. 銷(xiāo)售是向香港客戶(hù)進(jìn)行的

C. 如果在香港向客戶(hù)銷(xiāo)售

D. 在銷(xiāo)售給一位香港客戶(hù)的地方



47. Landlords should always make it a point to write everything down. These notices could serve as evidence in case of a legal action.

A. 法律行為

B. 司法保護

C. 法律訴訟

D. 司法行動(dòng)



48. The legal definition of due process clause is a clause in a constitution prohibiting the government from depriving a person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.

A. 到期程序條款

B. 正當程序條款

C. 到期法律條款

D. 正當法律條款



49. The parties hereto shall, first of all, settle any dispute arising from or in connection with the contract by friendly negotiations.

A. 解決爭議……友好協(xié)商

B. 達成諒解……友好協(xié)商

C. 解決爭議……友好談判

D. 達成諒解……友好談判



50. Any transfer, directly or indirectly, of any stock, partnership interest or other ownership interest in Buyer shall constitute an assignment of this Agreement.

A. 組成本協(xié)議的分配

B. 構成本協(xié)議的指派

C. 組成本協(xié)議的任務(wù)

D. 構成本協(xié)議的轉讓



51. 隨著(zhù)我國互聯(lián)網(wǎng)行業(yè)高速發(fā)展,網(wǎng)絡(luò )成為知識產(chǎn)權侵權的最主要發(fā)生地之一。

A. intellectual property infringement

B. intelligence property infringement

C. intelligence property violation

D. intellectual property violation



52. 依法懲治“大數據殺熟”等破壞公平競爭、擾亂市場(chǎng)秩序行為,切實(shí)保護消費者合法權益。

A. big data killing

B. big data killing the acquainted

C. big data bias against old customers

D. big data-enabled price discrimination against existing customers



53. 法院堅持推進(jìn)國內法治和涉外法治,依法平等保護中外當事人及各類(lèi)市場(chǎng)主體合法權益。

A. domestic and international justice

B. domestic and international rule of law

C. local and foreign justice

D. local and foreign rule of law



54. 人工智能在法治領(lǐng)域的應用已經(jīng)進(jìn)入到立法、司法、執法等多個(gè)領(lǐng)域,取得了可喜的成果。

A. legislation, litigation and execution

B. law-making, justice and execution

C. legislation, justice and law enforcement

D. law-making, litigation and law enforcement



55. 國家堅持法治化原則,制定和實(shí)施與社會(huì )主義市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟相適應的競爭規則,完善宏觀(guān)調控。

A. design and execute competing rules suitable for the socialist market economy

B. formulate and implement competition rules suitable for the socialist market economy

C. design and execute competitive rules suitable for the socialist market economy

D. make and implement competitive rules suitable for the socialist market economy



56. 加強數字政府建設是適應新一輪科技革命和產(chǎn)業(yè)變革趨勢、加快數字化發(fā)展的必然要求。

A. Strengthening the building of a digital government

B. Strengthening the building of a digitalized government

C. Enacting the building of a digital government

D. Improving the building of a digitalized government



57. 政府部門(mén)需要加快轉變政府職能,建設法治政府、廉潔政府和服務(wù)型政府

A. a law-ruled, uncorrupted and service-based government

B. a law-based, clean and service-based government

C. a law-ruled, clean and service-oriented government

D. a law-based, uncorrupted and service-oriented government



58. 國家建立和完善外商投資促進(jìn)機制,營(yíng)造穩定、透明、可預期和公平競爭的市場(chǎng)環(huán)境。

A. a mechanism for international investment promotion

B. a mechanism for international investment expansion

C. a mechanism for foreign investment promotion

D. a mechanism for foreign investment expansion



59. 民事訴訟活動(dòng)通過(guò)信息網(wǎng)絡(luò )平臺在線(xiàn)進(jìn)行的,與線(xiàn)下訴訟活動(dòng)具有同等法律效力

A. shall have the same legal effectiveness as offline legal proceedings

B. shall have the same legal force as offline legal proceedings

C. shall have the same legal power as offline legal activities

D. shall have the same legal force as offline legal activities



60. 在立案前或者訴訟過(guò)程中依托人民法院調解平臺開(kāi)展在線(xiàn)調解的,適用本規則。

A. the online mediation conducted by relying on the mediation platforms of people’s courts

B. the online arbitration organized by relying on the arbitration platforms of people’s courts

C. the online arbitration conducted by relying on the arbitration platforms of people’s courts

D. the online mediation organized by relying on the mediation platforms of people’s courts
