

2022/9/19 10:03:17來(lái)源:CATTI中心





I. Multiple-choice Questions (40 points)

In this section, there are 20 questions with 4 choices. Each question only has ONE right answer.


1. The classroom _____ twenty feet across.

A. measures

B. has measured

C. measuring

D. is measured



2. _____ you insist, I will reconsider the matter.

A. But

B. When

C. Since

D. For



3. I won’t consider _____ my job at this time.

A. quit

B. to quit

C. quitting

D. to quitting



4. You _____ your visa extended before it expires.

A. had better to get

B. had better get

C. had better got

D. had to get better



5. While I _____ with my wife last night, an old friend of mine showed up.

A. talked

B. had talked

C. would talk

D. was talking



6. If I had not called for a doctor, your friend _____.

A. had died

B. will die

C. would die

D. would have died



7. Bill wasn’t happy about the delay, and _____.

A. I was neither

B. I wasn’t either

C. neither I was

D. either was I



8. Can you tell me the reason _____ you are always late?

A. why

B. that

C. which

D. how



9. Smith is not so _____ as you are.

A. strongest

B. stronger

C. strong

D. the strong



10. I don’t take John’s laptop because I don’t like _____.

A. that laptop of his

B. that laptop of him

C. his that pen

D. that his pen



11. All he ever thinks about is making _____.

A. income

B. salary

C. money

D. currency



12. She still doesn’t know how she found her _____ to the meeting without map.

A. road

B. route

C. way

D. direction



13. He had been sent to prison twice for _____.

A. robber

B. thief

C. cheat

D. stealing



14. You should be _____ of yourself for treating your own brother so badly.

A. guilty

B. ashamed

C. astonished

D. shy



15. He refused to _____ to the victim.

A. apologize

B. regret

C. be sorrowful

D. bow



16. I’m not surprised he is late again: he never appears _____ at mealtime.

A. exact

B. lately

C. punctually

D. early



17. I’m sorry for being late. I was held up in a traffic _____.

A. sauce

B. jam

C. group

D. crowd



18. The primitive tribe had lived peacefully deep in the mountains _____ a great many years.

A. during

B. on

C. in

D. for



19. It took him two hours to _____ his journey.

A. realize

B. complete

C. come

D. start



20. London is one of the important _____ centers of the world.

A. financial

B. finance

C. economical

D. economic



II. Reading Comprehension (40 points)

In this section, you will find after each of the passages a number of questions or unfinished statements about the passage, each with 4 choices to answer the question or complete the statement. You must choose the one which you think fits best.


Passage 1

A new study shows that bilingual speakers’ ability to speak a second language is improved after they have consumed a low dose of alcohol.


It is well-established that alcohol damages cognitive and motor functions. “Executive functions”, which include the ability to remember, pay attention, and prevent improper behaviors, are particularly sensitive to the effects of alcohol. While alcohol increases self-confidence and reduces social anxiety, both of which might be expected to improve language ability, especially, the ability to speak a second language, when interacting with another person.


An experimental study was to test these competing predictions for the first time. The researchers tested the effects of a low dose of alcohol on participants’ self-rated and observer-rated ability to converse in Dutch. Participants were 50 native German speakers who were studying at a Dutch University (Maastricht) and had recently learned to speak, read and write in Dutch.


Participants bought randomly either a low dose of alcohol or a control beverage that contained no alcohol, before they chatted with an experimenter in Dutch for a few minutes. The exact dose of alcohol varied depending on participants’ body weight, but it was equivalent to just under a pint (460 ml) of 5% beer, for a 70kg male.


The researchers found that participants who had consumed alcohol had significantly better observer-ratings for their Dutch language, specifically better pronunciation, compared to those who had not consumed alcohol. However, alcohol had no effect on self-ratings of Dutch language skills.


Dr Jessica Werthmann who was one of the researchers, said “We need to be cautious about the implications of these results until we know more about what causes the observed results. One possible reason could be the anxiety-reducing effect of alcohol. But more research is needed to test this.”


21.  What languages could the participants speak in the study?

A. English and Dutch.

B. English and German.

C. German and Dutch.

D. German and French.


22.  When did the bilingual participants’ second language get improved?

A. After they have drunk some beverage.

B. After they have drunk a little alcohol.

C. After they have drunk much beverage.

D. After they have drunk plenty of alcohol.


23.  Which one will be LEAST affected by the effect of alcohol among “executive functions”?

A. The ability to remember.

B. The ability to focus on things.

C. The ability to inhibit improper behaviors.

D. The ability to talk.


24.  Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. A low dose of alcohol will limit the ability to speak a second language.

B. Alcohol will increase self-confidence.

C. Alcohol will reduce social anxiety.

D. Alcohol will improve the ability to speak a second language.


25.  What is the main idea of the text?

A. The researchers intend to prove the effects of a low dose of alcohol on Germans’ self-rated and observer-rated ability to talk in Dutch.

B. Participants drank randomly a low dose of alcohol or soft drink, before they spoke Dutch.

C. The study shows that alcohol consumption has positive effects on the pronunciation of a second language in people who recently learn that language.

D. Participants who consumed a low dose of alcohol have significantly better observer-ratings for their second language, but more research is needed to test this.



Passage 2

There are many ways we can enjoy sport—watching it on TV or a smartphone, attending an event at a stadium or even playing the game. But for those who enjoy getting competitive with their computer gaming, there are realistic-looking games with lifelike graphics to be played without leaving home. It’s this type of sport—if that’s what we can call it—that has become big business. And interest in it has gone to a new level.


Initially, grabbing a controller and playing a game was a lonely activity. But around 20 years ago computers became cheaper and the internet became faster, which made it much easier for more people to get involved with computer gaming. This led to gamers connecting with each other around the world, so they could go head-to-head online. It also became a sport with people watching others play. The whole experience has been given the name “esports”—electronic sports.


Now, huge esports competitions take place all over the world in big arenas with large crowds. Die-hard enthusiasts, who have become first-rate players, are now well-known—some play together in teams. Its top stars can earn millions of dollars a year, without even breaking into a sweat! And fans from around the world tune in to watch the action online. The global audience is now estimated at more than 200 million and growing. Annual revenues from esports, currently around 650 million dollars for events, continue to rise with billions more generated through video games sales.


Famous football clubs are now trying to get in on the action. England’s Football Association for example launched its first esports team this year, known as the eLions. It recruited Fifa 19 players to represent them at the Fifa eNations Cup. Mark Bullingham, the FA’s chief commercial and football development officer, said “The FA prides itself on being a modern, innovative organization that strives to engage and inspire all generations of football fans.”


But while this virtual version of football might give aspiring footballers a chance to get closer to the real game, some might argue the lack of physical activity means it shouldn’t be called a sport—and the biggest winners are the companies who promote and sell esports.


26.  There are many ways we can enjoy sport EXCEPT _____.

A. watching TV or a smartphone

B. attending an event at a stadium

C. playing computer games

D. reading novels


27.  Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. A game player can play games alone at home.

B. Computers are cheaper to buy.

C. Esports have no audience.

D. More player will get involved in computer games easily.


28. Which of the following statements can NOT enable esports to become more popular?

A. Computers became cheaper.

B. The internet became faster.

C. Players are easily connected with each other worldwide.

D. Fifa plays a vital role in esports’ promotion.


29. Which statement is NOT true according to the text?

A. Huge esports competitions are popular with large crowds.

B. The audience all over the world is now estimated as many as 200 million.

C. Top players can earn millions of dollars a year easily.

D. First-rate players are famous and they play together in teams.


30. Why do some people think that an esport shouldn’t be called a sport?

A. It lacks physical activity.

B. Famous football clubs are unhappy.

C. Esports help players understand the real game better.

D. Biggest winners of esport are the companies who promote and sell esports.



Passage 3

Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is an uncommon and a highly malignant cutaneous tumor of neuroendocrine origin, which frequently affects elderly Caucasian males. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation and immunosuppression are important predisposing factors. Recently, Merkel cell polyomavirus has also been implicated in its pathogenesis. Histologically, MCC can appear similar to a variety of other small round blue cell tumors; hence, immunohistochemical studies play an important role in confirming its diagnosis. MCC has an aggressive biological behavior characterized by rapid growth, early distant metastasis. The most common sites of metastasis of MCC include distant lymph nodes, distant skin, lungs, central nervous system and bone. Metastasis of MCC to the stomach is extremely uncommon and it is rarely described in the literature. In general, it is very uncommon for tumors to metastasize to the gastrointestinal tract and small intestine is the most common site of tumor metastasis followed by stomach. We thereby describe a patient with gastric metastasis of MCC who presented with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Also presented is a review of literature to shed a light on clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of this rare tumor.


A 60-year-old Hispanic male presented to the emergency room with complaints of fatigue, weakness and passing maroon colored stools for five days. Originally, he had presented to our hospital 4 months ago with a right groin mass. This lesion was biopsied and a diagnosis of MCC was made after a battery of immunohistochemical studies. Positron emission tomographic (PET) scan showed diffuse skeletal involvement and patient was started on chemotherapy and radiation therapy (RT).


In his current visit, the patient denied any nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain. He denied having any history of peptic ulcer disease. He was taking aspirin and clopidogrel after stent placement for a recent event of non-ST elevation myocardial infarction. On physical examination, he was normotensive but tachycardic with pulse rate of 130/minute. His abdominal examination was unremarkable with no tenderness, guarding or rigidity. Rectal examination showed maroon colored stools with blood clots. The rest of the physical examination was within normal limits. Laboratory studies showed pancytopenia due to ongoing chemotherapy with hemoglobin of 5.0g/dL, platelets of 19 k/mm3 and white blood cell count of 1.4 K/mm3. His coagulation studies were within normal limits. Patient was resuscitated with intravenous fluids, proton pump inhibitor, packed red blood cells and platelet transfusions. Colonoscopy was unremarkable except for diverticulosis. An esophagastroduodenoscopy (EGD) showed malignant appearing gastric folds in the fundus and the body of the stomach, which were biopsied; however no active bleeding was seen. Patient responded well to the conservative treatment measures and gastrointestinal bleeding was thought to be due to low platelets, aspirin and clopidogrel. Biopsy results were consistent with the diagnosis of metastatic MCC to the stomach. Chemotherapy had to be held after three cycles due to severe side effects.


The patient returned one month later with similar complaints for which a repeat EGD was done. It showed a 3 cm, ulcerated mass near the lesser curvature of the stomach with a concurrent 4 cm ulcerated lesion in the gastric fundus with an adherent clot. Active bleeding was seen after irrigation of the clot, which was controlled with local epinephrine injection and clipping. No further chemotherapy or RT was considered due to patient’s poor performance status.


31. It can be concluded that this passage is part of a(n) --______.

A. Hospital Discharge Summary

B. Inpatient Case History

C. Outpatient Case History

D. Case Report


32. Merkel cell carcinoma is defined as a highly malignant cutaneous tumor which ______.

A. moves through a poor course of disease

B. tends to spread in a manner of destruction

C. grows to become malignant to healthy tissues

D. relocates malignantly to more remote areas of the body


33. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. People of medicine rarely know the disease of metastatic MCC.

B. Medical publications usually do not mention MCC spread to the stomach.

C. The body of written works by scholars or researchers in medicine does not include MCC.

D. MCC is rarely described in the literature such as novels, short stories, poems, or proses.


34. In the phrase “immunohistochemical studies”, the word “studies” can be best replaced by ______.

A. sampling

B. research

C. workup

D. check-ups


35. To diagnose MCC, it is critical that a physician should consider ______.

A. primary risk factors

B. dominant symptoms and signs

C. main clinical manifestations

D. outcomes of cellular and tissue studies


36. In the case of the Hispanic male, which of the following is NOT true?

A. MCC metastasized to the bones and cartilages.

B. He presented with abnormally rapid beating of the heart.

C. He once suffered sudden ischemic death of the heat muscle tissue.

D. His abdominal examination showed few big changes.


37. On the second visit to the hospital, the Hispanic patient was found to ______.

A. receive a colonoscopy to find diverticulosis

B. suffer a loss of cells of all kinds in the body

C. have transient dark brownish to purplish red stools

D. have no active GI bleeding due to low platelets, and aspirin and clopidogrel taken


38. In this passage, esophagastroduodenoscopy was performed to ______.

A. detect blood bleeding in the esophageal, gastric, and duodenal mucosa

B. remove tissue samples from gastrointestinal tract for laboratory studies

C. visualize the esophageal, gastric, and duodenal mucosa for diagnostic purpose

D. show specific antigens in tissues and the esophageal, gastric, and duodenal mucosa


39. From the passage, we know that the conservative treatment measures for the patient ______.

A. gained effective results

B. were well-received

C. did not have side-effects

D. were not rejected


40. The third visit of the Hispanic patient to the hospital suggests that ______.

A. the prognosis of the disease is extremely poor

B. the patient should improve health conditions first

C. the management of the disease was a total failure

D. the side effects of the treatment were serious.



III. Translation of Underlined Parts (20 points)

In this section, there are 20 sentences. For each sentence, there are four suggested translations of its underlined part.Choose the one that you think is the best answer. Each question only has ONE right answer.


41. This pain may also be aggravated by movement and position.

A. 通過(guò)移動(dòng)和位置變化

B. 由于運動(dòng)和體位變化

C. 依靠遷移和體位變化

D. 因為行動(dòng)和狀態(tài)變化



42. In musculoskeletal disorders, pain is more easily localized and worsens with movement or palpation.

A. 由于運動(dòng)或觸摸

B. 因為運動(dòng)或觸診

C. 在運動(dòng)或觸診時(shí)

D. 隨著(zhù)運動(dòng)或觸診



43. Dobutamine stress echocardiography can be safely performed in patients with asthma as well as in the presence of recent caffeine use.

A. 患哮喘及出現近期咖啡因使用的病人

B. 哮喘患者及近期攝入咖啡因的患者

C. 哮喘患者且近期有咖啡因使用的情況下

D. 有哮喘并存在近期使用咖啡因的患者



44. Patients with these conditions should have imaging studies done along with the exercise test.

A. 帶有這些情況

B. 有這些情形

C. 在有這些狀況

D. 患有這些疾病



45. Once this has been determined, therapeutic options can be discussed, generally in consultation with an oncologist.

A. 通常與腫瘤科大夫協(xié)商

B. 通常經(jīng)過(guò)腫瘤大夫同意

C. 通常經(jīng)過(guò)腫瘤大夫會(huì )診

D. 通常與腫瘤科大夫磋商



46. CO may also be measured with a pulmonary artery catheter.

A. 使用肺動(dòng)脈導管

B. 采用肺動(dòng)脈插管

C. 依靠肺動(dòng)脈導液管

D. 借助肺動(dòng)脈導流管



47. Mediastinotomy, where an incision is made along the lower sternal border, allows access to paratracheal nodes not accessible to mediastinoscopy.

A. 沿較低胸骨邊界

B. 沿胸骨下端毗鄰位置

C. 沿胸骨邊緣較低位置

D. 沿胸骨下緣



48. Acute renal failure occurs in both hospital and ambulatory settings.

A. 醫院和門(mén)診

B. 臥床和非臥床情況

C. 醫院和急診情況

D. 醫院和流動(dòng)環(huán)境



49. The kidneys can be palpable in cases of hydronephrosis or polycystic kidney disease.

A. 腎積水或多囊腎病

B. 在腎積水或多囊腎病情況下

C. 腎積水或多囊腎病病例時(shí)

D. 若出現腎積水或多囊腎病



50. Patients who are on hemodialysis generally tolerate the procedure well.

A. 處于血液透析

B. 正在血液透析

C. 接受血液透析

D. 實(shí)施血液透析



51. 與從不吸煙者相比,戒煙38年的人在未來(lái)15年內患無(wú)癥狀腹主動(dòng)脈瘤的風(fēng)險仍增加約2.63.5倍。

A. silent abdominal artery aneurysm

B. symptomless abdominal aortic cancer

C. asymptomatic abdominal aortic aneurysm

D. non-symptomatic abdominal artery carcinoma



52. 糖尿病的初步實(shí)驗室評估應包括根據患者病史進(jìn)行的鑒別診斷評估

A. differentiated diagnostic evaluation

B. distinguishing diagnosis assessment

C. discriminated diagnosis evaluation

D. differential diagnostic assessment



53. 本文將報告一種新制備的針對常見(jiàn)急性淋巴細胞白血病抗原的鼠單克隆抗體,名為 SHB-10

A. commonly-found acute lymphocyte leukemic antigen

B. common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen

C. commonly-seen acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen

D. conventional common acute lymphocyte leukemic antigen



54. 如果出現右側心力衰竭,外周水腫就會(huì )導致這種情況。

A. peripheral edema

B. periphery dropsy

C. peripheral dropsy

D. outer peripheral edema



55. 慢性阻塞性肺病65歲以上人群中上升最快的死亡原因,這是美國人口中增長(cháng)最快的部分。

A. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

B. chronical obstruction pulmonary disease

C. chronic obstructed pulmonary disease

D. chronical obstructive pulmonary disease



56. 非致殘性缺血性腦血管事件指發(fā)病后未遺留顯著(zhù)殘疾的缺血性腦血管事件。

A. non-disability ischemic cerebrovascular events

B. non-crippling ischemic cerebral vascular events

C. non-disabling ischemic cerebrovascular events

D. non- incapacitation ischemic cerebral vascular events



57. 間質(zhì)性肺病是一組異質(zhì)性肺部疾病,由各種形式的炎癥和纖維化引起肺部損害。

A. interstitial pulmonary disease

B. interstitial lung ailment

C. interstitial pneumopathy

D. interstitial lung disease



58. 未控高血壓可能導致多器官功能障礙,包括中風(fēng)、心臟病、腎衰竭、視網(wǎng)膜病變等。

A. uncontrollable hypertension

B. resistant hypertension

C. uncontrolled hypertension

D. refractory hypertension



59. 腸易激綜合征患者可能有許多類(lèi)似的癥狀,包括腹痛、腹脹和腹瀉。

A. stress intestinal syndrome

B. irritable bowel syndrome

C. excitable intestinal syndrome

D. stressful bowel syndrome



60. 膿毒性血栓性靜脈炎與菌血癥、膿毒性栓子或膿腫形成或肺炎有關(guān)。

A. septic thrombotic phlebitis

B. septic thrombosis phlebitis

C. septic thrombus phlebitis

D. septic thrombophlebitis
