

2022/9/19 10:13:11來(lái)源:CATTI中心





I. Multiple-choice Questions (40 points)

In this section, there are 20 questions with 4 choices. Each question only has ONE right answer.


1. The classroom _____ twenty feet across.

A. measures

B. has measured

C. measuring

D. is measured



2. _____ you insist, I will reconsider the matter.

A. But

B. When

C. Since

D. For



3. I won’t consider _____ my job at this time.

A. quit

B. to quit

C. quitting

D. to quitting



4. You _____ your visa extended before it expires.

A. had better to get

B. had better get

C. had better got

D. had to get better



5. While I _____ with my wife last night, an old friend of mine showed up.

A. talked

B. had talked

C. would talk

D. was talking



6. If I had not called for a doctor, your friend _____.

A. had died

B. will die

C. would die

D. would have died



7. Bill wasn’t happy about the delay, and _____.

A. I was neither

B. I wasn’t either

C. neither I was

D. either was I



8. Can you tell me the reason _____ you are always late?

A. why

B. that

C. which

D. how



9. Smith is not so _____ as you are.

A. strongest

B. stronger

C. strong

D. the strong



10. I don’t take John’s laptop because I don’t like _____.

A. that laptop of his

B. that laptop of him

C. his that pen

D. that his pen



11. All he ever thinks about is making _____.

A. income

B. salary

C. money

D. currency



12. She still doesn’t know how she found her _____ to the meeting without map.

A. road

B. route

C. way

D. direction



13. He had been sent to prison twice for _____.

A. robber

B. thief

C. cheat

D. stealing



14. You should be _____ of yourself for treating your own brother so badly.

A. guilty

B. ashamed

C. astonished

D. shy



15. He refused to _____ to the victim.

A. apologize

B. regret

C. be sorrowful

D. bow



16. I’m not surprised he is late again: he never appears _____ at mealtime.

A. exact

B. lately

C. punctually

D. early



17. I’m sorry for being late. I was held up in a traffic _____.

A. sauce

B. jam

C. group

D. crowd



18. The primitive tribe had lived peacefully deep in the mountains _____ a great many years.

A. during

B. on

C. in

D. for



19. It took him two hours to _____ his journey.

A. realize

B. complete

C. come

D. start



20. London is one of the important _____ centers of the world.

A. financial

B. finance

C. economical

D. economic



II. Reading Comprehension (40 points)

In this section, you will find after each of the passages a number of questions or unfinished statements about the passage, each with 4 choices to answer the question or complete the statement. You must choose the one which you think fits best.


Passage 1

A new study shows that bilingual speakers’ ability to speak a second language is improved after they have consumed a low dose of alcohol.


It is well-established that alcohol damages cognitive and motor functions. “Executive functions”, which include the ability to remember, pay attention, and prevent improper behaviors, are particularly sensitive to the effects of alcohol. While alcohol increases self-confidence and reduces social anxiety, both of which might be expected to improve language ability, especially, the ability to speak a second language, when interacting with another person.


An experimental study was to test these competing predictions for the first time. The researchers tested the effects of a low dose of alcohol on participants’ self-rated and observer-rated ability to converse in Dutch. Participants were 50 native German speakers who were studying at a Dutch University (Maastricht) and had recently learned to speak, read and write in Dutch.


Participants bought randomly either a low dose of alcohol or a control beverage that contained no alcohol, before they chatted with an experimenter in Dutch for a few minutes. The exact dose of alcohol varied depending on participants’ body weight, but it was equivalent to just under a pint (460 ml) of 5% beer, for a 70kg male.


The researchers found that participants who had consumed alcohol had significantly better observer-ratings for their Dutch language, specifically better pronunciation, compared to those who had not consumed alcohol. However, alcohol had no effect on self-ratings of Dutch language skills.


Dr Jessica Werthmann who was one of the researchers, said “We need to be cautious about the implications of these results until we know more about what causes the observed results. One possible reason could be the anxiety-reducing effect of alcohol. But more research is needed to test this.”


21.  What languages could the participants speak in the study?

A. English and Dutch.

B. English and German.

C. German and Dutch.

D. German and French.


22.  When did the bilingual participants’ second language get improved?

A. After they have drunk some beverage.

B. After they have drunk a little alcohol.

C. After they have drunk much beverage.

D. After they have drunk plenty of alcohol.


23.  Which one will be LEAST affected by the effect of alcohol among “executive functions”?

A. The ability to remember.

B. The ability to focus on things.

C. The ability to inhibit improper behaviors.

D. The ability to talk.


24.  Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. A low dose of alcohol will limit the ability to speak a second language.

B. Alcohol will increase self-confidence.

C. Alcohol will reduce social anxiety.

D. Alcohol will improve the ability to speak a second language.


25.  What is the main idea of the text?

A. The researchers intend to prove the effects of a low dose of alcohol on Germans’ self-rated and observer-rated ability to talk in Dutch.

B. Participants drank randomly a low dose of alcohol or soft drink, before they spoke Dutch.

C. The study shows that alcohol consumption has positive effects on the pronunciation of a second language in people who recently learn that language.

D. Participants who consumed a low dose of alcohol have significantly better observer-ratings for their second language, but more research is needed to test this.



Passage 2

There are many ways we can enjoy sport—watching it on TV or a smartphone, attending an event at a stadium or even playing the game. But for those who enjoy getting competitive with their computer gaming, there are realistic-looking games with lifelike graphics to be played without leaving home. It’s this type of sport—if that’s what we can call it—that has become big business. And interest in it has gone to a new level.


Initially, grabbing a controller and playing a game was a lonely activity. But around 20 years ago computers became cheaper and the internet became faster, which made it much easier for more people to get involved with computer gaming. This led to gamers connecting with each other around the world, so they could go head-to-head online. It also became a sport with people watching others play. The whole experience has been given the name “esports”—electronic sports.


Now, huge esports competitions take place all over the world in big arenas with large crowds. Die-hard enthusiasts, who have become first-rate players, are now well-known—some play together in teams. Its top stars can earn millions of dollars a year, without even breaking into a sweat! And fans from around the world tune in to watch the action online. The global audience is now estimated at more than 200 million and growing. Annual revenues from esports, currently around 650 million dollars for events, continue to rise with billions more generated through video games sales.


Famous football clubs are now trying to get in on the action. England’s Football Association for example launched its first esports team this year, known as the eLions. It recruited Fifa 19 players to represent them at the Fifa eNations Cup. Mark Bullingham, the FA’s chief commercial and football development officer, said “The FA prides itself on being a modern, innovative organization that strives to engage and inspire all generations of football fans.”


But while this virtual version of football might give aspiring footballers a chance to get closer to the real game, some might argue the lack of physical activity means it shouldn’t be called a sport—and the biggest winners are the companies who promote and sell esports.


26.  There are many ways we can enjoy sport EXCEPT _____.

A. watching TV or a smartphone

B. attending an event at a stadium

C. playing computer games

D. reading novels


27.  Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. A game player can play games alone at home.

B. Computers are cheaper to buy.

C. Esports have no audience.

D. More player will get involved in computer games easily.


28. Which of the following statements can NOT enable esports to become more popular?

A. Computers became cheaper.

B. The internet became faster.

C. Players are easily connected with each other worldwide.

D. Fifa plays a vital role in esports’ promotion.


29. Which statement is NOT true according to the text?

A. Huge esports competitions are popular with large crowds.

B. The audience all over the world is now estimated as many as 200 million.

C. Top players can earn millions of dollars a year easily.

D. First-rate players are famous and they play together in teams.


30. Why do some people think that an esport shouldn’t be called a sport?

A. It lacks physical activity.

B. Famous football clubs are unhappy.

C. Esports help players understand the real game better.

D. Biggest winners of esport are the companies who promote and sell esports.



Passage 3

To be clear, transparent solar panels sound too good to be true.


They have the potential to shift cities from major energy users to energy providers in an instant and could usher in a new era of clean energy revolution while safeguarding farmland and natural habitats.


And, as the world strives toward a low-carbon future to curb the worst effects of climate change, solar energy should unquestionably be one of our strongest allies. But how viable are transparent solar technologies? Could we really generate electricity from windows in offices, homes, car’s sunroof, or even smartphones? Let’s explore.


What is “transparent solar energy”?

Transparent solar is a cutting-edge technology that gathers and uses light energy through windows or any glass surface, regardless of the angle. It has the potential to be a game-changer in terms of broadening the scope of solar.


In terms of engineering, researchers have created several means of transparent solar technology. Most generally though, the majority of them function more as a transparent solar concentrator, which means they are made to absorb specific UV and infrared light wavelengths that aren’t visible to the naked eye and transform them into energy capable of powering electronics.


This technology is also called photovoltaic glass, and it’s manufactured to provide a ranging level of transparency. Back in 2014, researchers at Michigan State University (MSU) developed an entirely transparent solar concentrator, which could convert almost any glass sheet or window into a PV cell.


And by 2020, scientists in the United States and Europe have achieved 100 percent transparency for solar glass, bringing us one step closer to the goal of a sustainable future that does not rely on the grid of the fossil fuel industry.


What are the benefits?

See-through solar panels are incredibly important as, in modern society, glass is practically everywhere. Ranging from the screen of your phone to skyscrapers, it's estimated that there are 5 to 7 billion square meters of glass surfaces in the United States.


With that in mind, it should also be noted that conventional solar panels necessitate a wide setup area as well as a significant initial cost. Because of these constraints, it is difficult to implement them in metropolitan locations. Transparent solar panels, on the other hand, can be implemented in these areas, paving the way for net-zero energy buildings and help cities meet climate goals and targets.


The future of high-tech windows

And that's not just on paper as transparent solar technologies are already popping up around the world.


For example, the Copenhagen International School’s design utilizes 12,000 hued but clear solar panels all over the building, producing 200 MWh of energy annuallythat’s apparently more than half of the energy the building consumes.


In another example that took place last year, the Biomedical and Physical Sciences Building on the campus of Michigan State University was upgraded with the installation of 100-square-feet transparent solar glass panels which were situated above the building’s entryway. They will generate enough electricity to power the lighting in its atrium.


However, there are some obstacles standing in the way. Before the technology can be scaled up, scientists need to up its efficiency, as there is an efficiency/transparency tradeoff. The more transparent the panel is, the less efficient it is, which is why see-through panels are not expected to exceed or replace the standard solar panels we’ve grown accustomed to. Either way, the technology could potentially help humanity get to a truly sustainable and greener future faster.


31. Which word in the passage means the same as the word “transparent”?

A. Low-carbon.

B. Cutting-edge.

C. Net-zero.

D. See-through.


32. What does the word “atrium” possibly mean in the passage?

A. The central area of a building.

B. The front part of a building.

C. The back part of a building.

D. The side part of a building.


33. Which one is NOT the benefit of the “transparent solar energy” according to the passage?

A. It is greatly important.

B. It is comparatively cheap.

C. It is hard to be implemented in cities.

D. It is helpful to the climate.


34. Which one is NOT true about the “transparent solar energy” according to the passage?

A. It gathers light energy through windows.

B. It is a new technology depending on the fossil fuel industry.

C. It uses light energy through any glass surface.

D. It is a new technology also called photovoltaic glass.


35. According to the passage, electricity could possibly be generated from all of the following windows EXCEPT _____.

A. basements

B. offices

C. homes

D. smartphones


36. One of the big differences between a conventional and a transparent solar panel is that the latter _____.

A. is not suitable to be used in rural areas

B. is not convenient in setup

C. occupies a smaller space

D. enjoys a longer life


37. Transparent solar energy can do all of the following EXCEPT _____.

A. being a game-changer

B. being a trouble-maker

C. starting a new era of energy revolution

D. urging scientists to up its efficiency


38. Which of the following is implied but not stated in the passage

A. Clear solar panels are used all over the building in a Copenhagen school in Europe.

B. Clear solar panels may produce more electricity than needed for the building.

C. Clear solar panels are located in a certain part of the building in MSU, America.

D. Clear solar panels may lead to the climate change by raising the temperature.


39. The possible title of the passage is _____.

A. The Function of Transparent Solar Energy

B. The Advantages of Transparent Solar Energy

C. The Disadvantages of Transparent Solar Energy

D. The Introduction to Transparent Solar Energy


40. The author’s attitude toward the “transparent solar panel” is _____.

A. positive

B. negative

C. critical

D. doubtful



III. Translation of Underlined Parts (20 points)

In this section, there are 20 sentences. For each sentence, there are four suggested translations of its underlined part.Choose the one that you think is the best answer. Each question only has ONE right answer.


41. Furthermore, individuals who contract COVID-19 after vaccination, and even after a booster dose, still shed virus into the air.

A. (疫苗)加強針

B. (疫苗)助推針

C. (疫苗)催化劑

D. (疫苗)后援劑



42. These substances are widely used in products such as firefighting foams, waterproof clothes and nonstick cookware.

A. 透水衣

B. 潛水衣

C. 防水衣

D. 溶水衣



43. The United Kingdom is building a 1,000-square-kilometre metropolis of wind turbines off its coast.

A. 風(fēng)力發(fā)電機

B. 鼓風(fēng)機

C. 風(fēng)力發(fā)動(dòng)機

D. 風(fēng)扇



44. Immune cells called monocytes have long been implicated in the killing of invading bacteria.

A. 干細胞

B. 免疫細胞

C. 真核細胞

D. 血細胞



45. The most cost-effective way to help the climate through agriculture is simply to farm less land and raise less livestock.

A. 最高產(chǎn)的方法

B. 最具成本效益的方法

C. 最省時(shí)省力的方法

D. 最環(huán)境友好的方法



46. The instruments were designed to detect gravitational waves, which are ripples in time and space caused by black holes and neutron stars merging.

A. 探測引力波

B. 收集引力波

C. 探測重力加速度

D. 收集重力加速度



47. Unprotected by Earth’s magnetic field, organisms are more vulnerable to DNA damage caused by solar outbursts and galactic cosmic rays—a real concern for astronauts traveling to the Moon or Mars.

A. 地球磁體

B. 地核

C. 地球磁場(chǎng)

D. 地球電場(chǎng)



48. By mating the classic art of coachbuilding with advanced materials and cutting-edge manufacturing technologies, DBR22 is a perfect blend of design purity, engineering precision, heart-pounding performance, and genuine passion.

A. 迫切需要的制造技術(shù)

B. 即將淘汰的制造技術(shù)

C. 后備的制造技術(shù)

D. 前沿的制造技術(shù)



49. Another commented on the lack of any detail on the size of the ship, its weight or wingspan, and some fundamental parameters needed to make it fly.

A. 基本參數

B. 基本部件

C. 基本試驗

D. 基本手續



50. But we couldn’t miss this old-school internal combustion engine-powered Aston Martin.

A. 內燃機驅動(dòng)的

B. 內電機驅動(dòng)的

C. 外燃機驅動(dòng)的

D. 外電機驅動(dòng)的



51. 隨著(zhù)我國環(huán)保產(chǎn)業(yè)的快速發(fā)展,污水處理市場(chǎng)規模將在相當長(cháng)的時(shí)期內不斷擴大。

A. sewage treatment

B. sewage management

C. sewage handling

D. sewage conduction



52. 大數據時(shí)代,人與人、人與物、乃至物與物之間的關(guān)系日趨復雜多樣。

A. big date

B. big data

C. big datum

D. big statistics



53. 全要素生產(chǎn)率就是生產(chǎn)力,全要素生產(chǎn)率提高就是產(chǎn)業(yè)升級與生產(chǎn)力的發(fā)展。

A. gross factor productivity

B. total element productivity

C. gross element productivity

D. total factor productivity



54. “天宮”載人空間站設計壽命為10年,長(cháng)期駐留三人,總重可達180噸,預計在2022年前后建成。

A. manned space station

B. man-carried station

C. manned space stop

D. man-carrier stop



55. 屠呦呦因其對科技創(chuàng )新的杰出貢獻而榮獲2017年中國最高科學(xué)獎。

A. scientific and technology innovation

B. science and technological innovation

C. science and technology innovation

D. scientific and technological invention



56. 當前,虛擬現實(shí)技術(shù)主要側重的是人體視覺(jué)方面,還無(wú)法從嗅覺(jué)與觸覺(jué)方面使人產(chǎn)生良好的沉浸感。

A. virtual reality

B. virtual actuality

C. supposed reality

D. supposed actuality



57. 在當前條件下,將虛擬現實(shí)技術(shù)與模擬飛行訓練相結合仍然存在不少技術(shù)難點(diǎn)。

A. simultaneous flight training

B. stimulated flight training

C. simulated flight training

D. imitated flight training



58. 長(cháng)征系列運載火箭是中國自行研制的航天運載工具,起步于上世紀60年代。

A. carrier rocket

B. transported rocket

C. conveyed rocket

D. delivered rocket



59. 隨著(zhù)近地軌道向更多非專(zhuān)業(yè)性的衛星開(kāi)放,它們可能構成越來(lái)越大的威脅。

A. low-Earth track

B. close-Earth orbit

C. close-Earth track

D. low-Earth orbit



60. 氟烷已被用作許多臭氧消耗物質(zhì)的替代品。

A. ozone depletion substances

B. ozone consumption substances

C. ozone expenditure substances

D. ozone spending substances
