
雙語(yǔ) | 全球共享發(fā)展行動(dòng)論壇首屆高級別會(huì )議北京聲明

2023/7/14 10:04:17來(lái)源:英文巴士

Beijing Statement for the First High-Level Conference of the Forum on Global Action for Shared Development

全球共享發(fā)展行動(dòng)論壇首屆高級別會(huì )議北京聲明


I. From July 9 to 10, 2023, the First High-Level Conference of the Forum on Global Action for Shared Development was held in Beijing. All parties discussed global development issues of common interest under the theme of “Global Development Initiative: Echo the Development Agenda and Call for Global Action.” China and all countries represented by high-level delegates in person agreed to release the Beijing Statement for First High-Level Conference of the Forum on Global Action for Shared Development.


一、2023年7月9日至10日,全球共享發(fā)展行動(dòng)論壇首屆高級別會(huì )議在北京召開(kāi)。各方圍繞“中國的倡議,全球的行動(dòng)”主題,討論共同關(guān)心的全球發(fā)展問(wèn)題。中方與派高級別代表線(xiàn)下參會(huì )的各國一致同意,發(fā)布《全球共享發(fā)展行動(dòng)論壇首屆高級別會(huì )議北京聲明》。


The meeting noted that the world today is confronted by profound changes, rising geopolitical tensions, intensifying major-country rivalry, slow progress in North-South cooperation, and deviation from development issues, along with a widening development gap. We are seeing clear signs of slowdown in the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Development, especially cooperative development, is key to solving global issues and achieving sustainable development for humanity. Thus, it is more pressing than ever before to put development front and center on the international agenda.


二、會(huì )議認為,當前百年變局深刻演進(jìn),地緣沖突上升,大國博弈加劇,南北合作放緩,發(fā)展議題偏移,發(fā)展鴻溝拉大。全球落實(shí)聯(lián)合國2030年可持續發(fā)展議程明顯失速。發(fā)展和合作發(fā)展是破解全球性問(wèn)題、實(shí)現全人類(lèi)可持續發(fā)展的關(guān)鍵,將發(fā)展議題置于國際合作議程的中心位置更加迫切。


III. The meeting pointed out that the international community has made great efforts to address development issues, tackle global development deficit, and jointly maintain and promote world peace and development, which has achieved positive outcomes. The meeting commended China for proposing the Global Development Initiative (GDI) to accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The GDI highlights priorities of, blazes new paths for and injects impetus into global sustainable development. The meeting noted with satisfaction the important early harvests of the 32 important measures announced by China to implement the GDI and promote global sustainable development and its continuous efforts in this regard.


三、會(huì )議指出,國際社會(huì )為致力解決發(fā)展問(wèn)題,消弭全球發(fā)展赤字,共同維護和促進(jìn)世界和平和發(fā)展作出巨大努力,取得積極成果。贊賞中國提出全球發(fā)展倡議,推動(dòng)加快落實(shí)聯(lián)合國 2030年可持續發(fā)展議程,為全球可持續發(fā)展聚焦重點(diǎn)、創(chuàng )新路徑、注入動(dòng)力。滿(mǎn)意地注意到,中國為落實(shí)全球發(fā)展倡議、推動(dòng)全球可持續發(fā)展宣布32項重要舉措,取得重要早期收獲并為此持續努力。


IV. The meeting called on all sides to take the 2023 SDG Summit in September this year as an opportunity to: build consensus, pool resources and bridge the divide for development; forge a united, equal, balanced and inclusive high-quality global development partnership; and jointly foster a new era of global development featuring benefits for all, balance, coordination, inclusiveness, win-win cooperation and common prosperity.


四、會(huì )議呼吁,要以今年9月可持續發(fā)展目標峰會(huì )為契機,凝聚發(fā)展共識,匯集發(fā)展資源,彌合發(fā)展鴻溝,共建團結、平等、均衡、普惠的高質(zhì)量全球發(fā)展伙伴關(guān)系,共創(chuàng )普惠平衡、協(xié)調包容、合作共贏(yíng)、共同繁榮的全球發(fā)展新時(shí)代。


– Intensifying the efforts to address the most urgent global challenges such as poverty reduction, food security, and public health security. We will deepen policy exchanges, experience sharing and practical cooperation on poverty reduction, promote the building of demonstration villages on agricultural development and poverty reduction, improve livelihood facilities for education, as well as water and power supply, and boost the efforts to end poverty in all its forms. We will continue to provide emergency food assistance, medical teams and free medical services to countries in need. We will actively engage in global and regional food security governance and support the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Program (WFP) of the United Nations in playing their active roles. We will enhance technical experience sharing and application in areas such as storage, logistics, food processing, grain conservation and food loss reduction, help other developing countries enhance their capacity of food production, storage, and loss reduction, and keep the global industrial and supply chains for food and agriculture industries stable and smooth. We will have more international exchanges on disaster prevention and mitigation, enhance humanitarian cooperation to forestall and resolve public risks and emergencies such as major disasters and epidemics.




– Scaling up input in areas such as climate change, green development and connectivity in the digital era to gather sustainable momentum for global development. We will enhance international collaboration on climate response and help developing countries level up their capacity to fight climate change through joint construction of low-carbon demonstration zones, climate change mitigation and adaptation projects, and training programs on capacity building. We will focus on the sustainable use of resources, promote the techniques of reducing costs and increasing efficiency, and enhance the level of green development. We will support the protection of the ecological environment and biological diversity. We will push forward connectivity in the digital era, the construction of traditional and new types of infrastructure in a coordinated way, and improve infrastructure accessibility and trade facilitation.




– Paying closer attention to industrialization, digitalization and personnel capacity building, and fostering new growth areas. We will ramp up cooperation and investment attraction in the special economic zones, industrial parks and science parks by mobilizing aid for trade. We will actively seek greater synergy among digital development strategies and advance digital industrial cooperation. We will conduct efficient, inclusive and fair cooperation on human resources development. By making good use of Luban Workshops, we will support the training and cultivation of technology professionals, and enhance education and exchanges among youth and women.




– Building a new type of North-South partnership for development cooperation. We will support the UN in coordinating global efforts for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, and advocate the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits in global governance. We will continue to promote North-South cooperation as the main channel and step up South-South cooperation and tripartite cooperation. We will be open to drawing on the constructive factors of all parties with regard to international development cooperation's concepts and rules. We uphold the principle of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs and commit to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. We will pay attention to addressing insecurity in development and ensure that everyone has equal access to development benefits.




V. The meeting expressed appreciation to China for hosting this meeting. It noted with satisfaction that the conference released the Guidelines on Global Development Project Pool and the Guidelines on Global Development Project Pool Financing. Moreover, consensus has also been reached on properly using the Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund and the development fund newly raised in this meeting. We expect the Global Development Promotion Center (GDPC) to continue fully playing the coordination and promotion role by the network secretariat set by the Forum, thereby supporting the integrated implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the GDI.


五、感謝中方為籌辦此次會(huì )議所做工作。滿(mǎn)意地注意到,此次會(huì )議發(fā)布了《全球發(fā)展項目庫準則》《全球發(fā)展項目庫籌資準則》,同意用好全球發(fā)展和南南合作基金,以及此次會(huì )議新籌集的發(fā)展資金。期待全球發(fā)展促進(jìn)中心通過(guò)全球共享發(fā)展行動(dòng)論壇設立的網(wǎng)絡(luò )秘書(shū)處,繼續充分發(fā)揮協(xié)調推動(dòng)作用,為一體推進(jìn)落實(shí)聯(lián)合國2030年可持續發(fā)展議程和全球發(fā)展倡議提供支持。