
雙語(yǔ)|王毅在第三屆“一帶一路”國際合作高峰論壇記者會(huì )上的致辭

2023/10/25 10:32:06來(lái)源:英文巴士

王毅在第三屆“一帶一路”國際合作高峰論壇記者會(huì )上的致辭

Remarks by H.E. Wang Yi at the Press Conference of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation



Beijing, October 18, 2023




Friends from the Media,




Good evening!


歡迎大家參加第三屆“一帶一路”國際合作高峰論壇記者會(huì )。今年是習近平主席提出“一帶一路”倡議10周年。記者朋友們持續關(guān)注共建“一帶一路”的進(jìn)展,促進(jìn)了各國人民對這一重要倡議的理解和參與,在此,我謹代表中國政府,對大家的辛勤工作表示衷心感謝!


Welcome to the press conference of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF). This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) put forward by President Xi Jinping. Our friends from the media have followed the progress of Belt and Road cooperation and increased global understanding of and participation in this important initiative. On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to express our sincere appreciation for your hard work!




The past decade has witnessed historic achievements in Belt and Road cooperation. A path of cooperation, opportunity and prosperity that leads to common development has been found. Benefiting over 150 countries, the BRI has become the most popular international public good and largest international cooperation platform in today’s world.


本次高峰論壇有來(lái)自151個(gè)國家和41個(gè)國際組織的代表來(lái)華參會(huì ),注冊總人數超過(guò)1萬(wàn)人。這一“萬(wàn)人盛會(huì )”再次體現出共建“一帶一路”的巨大感召力和全球影響力。


This BRF was attended by over 10,000 registered representatives from 151 countries and 41 international organizations. The scale of participation has once again showcased the tremendous appeal and global influence of Belt and Road cooperation.


習近平主席在高峰論壇開(kāi)幕式上發(fā)表主旨演講,回顧10年成就,總結成功經(jīng)驗,強調共建“一帶一路”站在歷史正確一邊,符合時(shí)代進(jìn)步邏輯,走的是人間正道。宣布中國支持高質(zhì)量共建“一帶一路”八項行動(dòng),為“一帶一路”明確了新方向,開(kāi)辟了新愿景,注入了新動(dòng)力。習近平主席還同與會(huì )的所有外方領(lǐng)導人舉行或即將舉行會(huì )見(jiàn)會(huì )談,達成一系列重要合作共識。


President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech at the BRF opening ceremony. Reviewing the achievements and successful experience of the past ten years, he emphasized that Belt and Road cooperation is on the right side of history, keeps pace with the advance of our times, and represents the right path forward. He announced eight major steps China will take to support high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, setting a new direction, opening new vistas and generating new momentum for the BRI. He is expected to hold meetings or talks with all foreign leaders attending the BRF and reach a wide range of important cooperation consensus.


高峰論壇召開(kāi)了以數字經(jīng)濟、互聯(lián)互通、綠色發(fā)展為主題的三場(chǎng)高級別論壇,舉行了貿易暢通、民心相通、智庫交流、廉潔絲路、地方合作、海洋合作等六場(chǎng)專(zhuān)題論壇,并召開(kāi)了“一帶一路”企業(yè)家大會(huì )。


During the BRF, we convened three high-level forums on digital economy, connectivity and green development; six thematic forums on trade connectivity, people-to-people bonds, think tank exchanges, clean Silk Road, subnational cooperation and maritime cooperation; and a CEO Conference.


目前各項議程已經(jīng)結束,論壇取得了圓滿(mǎn)成功。各方一致認為,本次高峰論壇是共建“一帶一路”進(jìn)程中又一個(gè)重要里程碑。這是一次團結的大會(huì ),鞏固了共建“一帶一路”的國際共識;這是一次共贏(yíng)的大會(huì ),豐富了共建“一帶一路”的合作成果;這也是一次發(fā)展的大會(huì ),拓展了共建“一帶一路”的光明前景。


With all items on the agenda completed, the BRF has just concluded and achieved great success. The participating parties agree that it is another important milestone in the process of Belt and Road cooperation. It is a conference of unity that has further consolidated the consensus on Belt and Road cooperation, a conference of win-win outcome that has further enriched Belt and Road cooperation, and a conference of development that has broadened the bright prospects of Belt and Road cooperation.


會(huì )議已發(fā)表主席聲明,全面介紹了各方達成的重要共識和成果。縱覽本次論壇,我愿強調以下四點(diǎn):


Chair’s Statement has been issued, which sets forth the important consensus and outcomes reached by the parties. Let me underscore four points.




First, the clearest message from this Forum is unity, cooperation, openness and win-win outcome.




Today’s world is confronted with a multitude of crises and challenges; Cold War mentality and bloc confrontation have resurfaced. Yet all the participants have made it clear that they have come for friendship, for cooperation and for development.




President Xi Jinping pointed out in his keynote speech that humankind is a community with a shared future; win-win cooperation is the sure way to success in launching major initiatives that benefit all; and the Silk Road spirit of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit is the most important source of strength for Belt and Road cooperation. From Beijing, a clear and unambiguous message has been sent to the world, that is, we need unity, cooperation, openness and win-win outcomes, not division, confrontation, isolation or zero-sum mentality. Amidst great transformations unseen in a century, Belt and Road cooperation will always bring stability and positive energy to the world.




Second, the most important consensus of this Forum is to usher in a new stage of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation.




President Xi Jinping noted that China will work with all parties involved to deepen Belt and Road partnerships of cooperation, and usher this cooperation into a new stage of high-quality development. These words have received positive response and support from all parties.




At the High-Level Forum on Connectivity in an Open World Economy, the participants supported efforts to further boost connectivity; build high-quality, sustainable and resilient infrastructure; enhance cooperation in such areas as transportation, energy, resources and irrigation; steadily increase institutional connectivity in infrastructure; and build an open world economy.


在數字經(jīng)濟高級別論壇上,大家都主張加快建設“數字絲綢之路”,營(yíng)造開(kāi)放、公平、非歧視的數字發(fā)展環(huán)境,推進(jìn)數字技術(shù)同實(shí)體經(jīng)濟深度融合,促進(jìn)人工智能健康有序安全發(fā)展。中國在會(huì )上發(fā)起的全球人工智能治理倡議,引起各方高度重視。


At the High-Level Forum on Digital Economy as a New Source of Growth, the participants called for expedited efforts to build a Digital Silk Road; fostering an open, fair, and non-discriminatory environment for digital development; promoting deep integration of digital technologies and the real economy; and advancing the healthy, orderly and secure development of artificial intelligence (AI). To that end, China has put forward a Global Initiative for AI Governance, which has drawn great attention.




At the High-Level Forum on Green Silk Road for Harmony with Nature, the participants highlighted the need to further build the Green Silk Road, meet the climate challenges together, step up cooperation on biodiversity protection, build investment and financing partnerships for green development, and empower green development.




At the thematic forums, the participants shared their desire to fully advance practical cooperation, boost trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, improve the business environment, support the development of the blue economy, build a clean Silk Road, deepen subnational exchanges, and carry out a variety of cultural, educational, sci-tech, tourism, health and sports activities.




Third, the most ambitious vision of this Forum is to realize global modernization through joint efforts.




Realizing modernization is the common aspiration and due right of all peoples. The BRI offers a cooperation platform for common development and helps many developing countries accelerate their pace toward modernization. President Xi Jinping proposed for the first time that global modernization should be pursued through the joint efforts of all countries to enhance peaceful development and mutually beneficial cooperation and bring prosperity to all. This ambitious goal is consistent with China’s vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and sets the direction for high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. People around the world realizing modernization together will be a most magnificent endeavor in human history.




President Xi Jinping pointed out that the modernization China pursues is not for the country alone, but for all developing countries through joint efforts. He announced at the opening ceremony that China will further expand market access; deepen reform in areas including the state-owned enterprises, digital economy, intellectual property and government procurement; and enter into free trade agreements and investment protection treaties with more countries. China’s potential as the world’s largest market will be continuously tapped. Chinese financial institutions will set up new RMB financing windows and support BRI projects based on well-informed studies. China will promote local employment through cooperation projects and carry out 1,000 small-scale livelihood assistance projects. We believe that the materialization of these significant measures will surely provide stronger boost and greater space for global modernization.




Fourth, the defining feature of this Forum is that it is action-oriented, efficient and pragmatic.


共建“一帶一路”既要凝聚合作理念,更要采取實(shí)際行動(dòng)。習近平主席在主旨演講中宣布的支持高質(zhì)量共建“一帶一路”八項行動(dòng),包括構建“一帶一路”立體互聯(lián)互通網(wǎng)絡(luò )、促進(jìn)綠色發(fā)展、推動(dòng)科技創(chuàng )新等重大舉措,也包括開(kāi)展務(wù)實(shí)合作、支持民間交往、完善“一帶一路”國際合作機制等具體項目。


To advance Belt and Road cooperation, we need to build consensus for collaboration and, more importantly, take concrete actions. President Xi Jinping announced in his keynote speech eight major steps China will take to support high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. These include steps to build a multidimensional Belt and Road connectivity network, promote green development, and advance scientific and technological innovation. They also include specific projects of practical cooperation, people-to-people exchanges, and institution-building for Belt and Road cooperation.


論壇期間,各方共形成了458項成果,數量遠遠超過(guò)第二屆高峰論壇。其中包括《深化互聯(lián)互通合作北京倡議》、《“一帶一路”綠色發(fā)展北京倡議》、《“一帶一路”數字經(jīng)濟國際合作北京倡議》、綠色發(fā)展投融資伙伴計劃、《“一帶一路”廉潔建設高級原則》等重要合作倡議和制度性安排,也有到2030年為伙伴國開(kāi)展10萬(wàn)人次綠色發(fā)展培訓、將聯(lián)合實(shí)驗室擴大到100家等具體目標。企業(yè)家大會(huì )還達成了972億美元商業(yè)合同,有助于為各國創(chuàng )造更多的就業(yè)和增長(cháng)。此外,會(huì )議還決定成立論壇秘書(shū)處,將為推動(dòng)機制建設和項目落地發(fā)揮作用。


During this BRF, 458 outcomes have been reached, far exceeding the number of the last Forum. They include important cooperation initiatives and institutional arrangements such as the Beijing Initiative for Deepening Cooperation on Connectivity, the Beijing Initiative for Belt and Road Green Development, the Beijing Initiative on the Belt and Road International Digital Economy Cooperation, the Green Investment and Finance Partnership, and High-Level Principles on Belt and Road Integrity Building. They also include specific targets including providing 100,000 training opportunities on green development for partner countries by 2030, and increasing the number of joint laboratories to 100. Commercial agreements worth USD 97.2 billion have been concluded at the CEO Conference, which will help generate jobs and growth in relevant countries. The Forum also decided to establish a BRF secretariat to facilitate institution-building and project implementation.


這一系列實(shí)實(shí)在在的合作成果,是與會(huì )各方為“一帶一路”投下的支持票,也是信任票。共建“一帶一路”不搞“清談館”,要做“行動(dòng)派”,必將為推動(dòng)世界經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)、促進(jìn)全球共同發(fā)展提供源源不斷的動(dòng)力。


These tangible cooperation outcomes are a vote of support and confidence in BRI by participating parties. Belt and Road cooperation is not about high-sounding rhetoric, but about concrete action. It will certainly provide sustained impetus for global growth and common development across the world.




Friends from the media,




As a Chinese saying goes, “When everybody brings firewood, the flame will be higher.” The success of the BRF proves once again that China has followed the right direction in advancing Belt and Road cooperation, that BRI partners have shown firm commitment to participation, and that high-quality Belt and Road cooperation enjoys bright prospects.


這次高峰論壇也說(shuō)明,和平發(fā)展、合作共贏(yíng)是大勢所趨、人心所向,冷戰對抗、脫鉤斷鏈逆歷史潮流、沒(méi)有出路。站在新的起點(diǎn)上,我們期待同各方一道,傳承弘揚絲路精神,共赴“一帶一路”發(fā)展新征程,開(kāi)創(chuàng )各國共同邁向現代化的美好明天。


The BRF also proves that peaceful development and win-win cooperation represents the prevailing trend and people’s common aspiration. Cold War-style confrontation and decoupling efforts go against the tide of history and will lead nowhere. Standing at a new historical starting point, we look forward to working with all parties to carry forward the Silk Road spirit, embark on a new journey of Belt and Road cooperation, and usher in a better future of joint progress toward global modernization.




Thank you.