

2023/10/30 14:15:57來(lái)源:英文巴士


Outlook on China’s Foreign Policy on Its Neighborhood in the New Era







China and its neighboring countries enjoy geographical proximity, cultural affinity?and?integrated interests with?a shared?future. The millennium-old friendly exchanges between the two sides are a vivid history?of?exchanges and mutual learning?among civilizations. Such friendly bonds are best captured by?the?Chinese saying:?“true friendship weathers the changing seasons without fading?away?and is made even stronger by?hardships.”




The neighborhood?is where?China?survives and thrives?and the foundation of its development and prosperity. As a member of the Asian family and a responsible major country, China attaches great importance to neighborhood diplomacy, always prioritizes the neighborhood on its diplomatic agenda, and remains?committed to promoting regional peace, stability, development and prosperity.




Outlook on?China’s Foreign?Policy on Its Neighborhood?in the New Era,?based on the assessment and overview?of the current situation?and future trends?in Asia, comprehensively outlines the?achievements, policies, visions?and objectives of China’s neighborhood diplomacy, and declares China’s commitment?to the path of peaceful development, to promoting development of the neighborhood through its own development, to working?with regional countries to?advance?modernization,?to jointly building a community with a shared future among neighboring countries and to realizing the vision?of a?peaceful, secure, prosperous, beautiful, amicable and harmonious Asia?in the new era.



I. Asia Faces New Opportunities and Challenges




In the?Report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and Chinese President,?pointed?out that changes of our world, our times, and of historical significance?are unfolding?in ways like never before. The world has once again reached a crossroads in history. Asia,?amidst the changes unseen in a century, stands?at a new starting point towards development and revitalization?and?faces?unprecedented opportunities and challenges.




Asia,?with its?vast land and abundant?resources,?is home to a large population with diverse cultures?and?development. It?has remained generally stable in the past few decades.?Regional countries have?enjoyed growing political mutual trust and ever deepening cooperation and exchanges. As a result,?Asia has doubled?its?share of the world economy, made the leap from a region of low income to one of middle income, and formed a momentum of cooperation, development and rapid rise?in a short span of 40 years. In recent years, Asia, as an important engine driving global?economic recovery and growth, has contributed more than 50?percent?to global?growth. Asia is the most dynamic region with the biggest development potential in the world and will remain?a promising land for?global development and prosperity.




Meanwhile, global governance?is in dysfunction;?Cold War mentality is resurfacing;?unilateralism,?protectionism and hegemonism run?rampant;?multiple risks in such fields as energy, food, finance,?industrial?and supply chains and?climate change are having greater impact on Asia. Asia also faces challenges such as uneven economic growth, and pronounced security and governance issues. Some countries have intensified?efforts to build regional military alliances;?the Korean Peninsula issue remains complicated and intractable;?Afghanistan?faces numerous challenges in its?reconstruction;?terrorism, natural disasters and other non-traditional security threats persist.




There are two opposite?propositions and?trends?concerning the future of Asia. One advocates open regionalism, true multilateralism,?a development-first approach, mutually beneficial cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, integrated development, and pursuit of common development in harmony. The other represents?a relapse into the Cold War mentality?and exclusive clubs, and attempts to draw lines based on?values,?politicize economic issues, divide the region into different security?blocs, and stoke?division and confrontation.


凡益之道,與時(shí)偕行。亞洲的正確抉擇應該是開(kāi)放而不是封閉,是團結而不是分裂,是合作而不是對抗,是公道而不是霸道,是共生而不是零和,這不僅關(guān)乎地區各國的未來(lái)前景,也將從根本上長(cháng)遠影響亞洲乃至世界的前途命運。構建人類(lèi)命運共同體是共創(chuàng )繁榮美好的亞洲和世界的必由之路。


Good principles keep abreast of the times. The right choice for Asia should be openness, solidarity, cooperation, justice and harmony rather than isolation, division, confrontation, hegemony and zero-sum?approach. This not only hinges on?the future prospects of countries in the region, but?will also have a fundamental?and far-reaching bearing on?the future?of Asia and the world. Building a community with a shared future?for mankind?is the sure path?to a prosperous and better Asia and the world.



II. Significant Progress Made in China’s Relations with Its Neighbors


過(guò)去半個(gè)多世紀,亞洲走出積貧積弱、動(dòng)蕩戰亂,成功走向和平穩定、發(fā)展繁榮,這主要得益于地區國家堅持獨立自主、聯(lián)合自強,堅持相互尊重、包容互鑒,堅持互惠互利、合作共贏(yíng)。在此過(guò)程中,中國同亞洲國家共同倡導和平共處五項原則,弘揚團結、友誼、合作的萬(wàn)隆精神,不斷推動(dòng)睦鄰友好和互利合作向前發(fā)展。2012年中國共產(chǎn)黨第十八次全國代表大會(huì )召開(kāi)以來(lái),中國同周邊國家關(guān)系加快提質(zhì)升級,取得豐碩成果。


Over the past half century and more, Asia, once plagued by?poverty, weakness, turbulence and wars,?has progressed successfully toward?peace, stability, development, and prosperity. This is mainly accredited to the commitment of regional countries to independence,?unity for strength,?mutual respect, inclusiveness,?mutual learning,?mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. In this?process, China and fellow?Asian countries have jointly advocated the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, carried forward the Bandung Spirit of solidarity, friendship and cooperation, and kept advancing?good-neighborliness?and mutually beneficial cooperation. Since the 18th?National Congress of the CPC?in 2012, China’s relations with neighboring countries have been upgraded at a faster pace and produced fruitful results.




Political mutual trust has been growing. As of the date of this document’s release, China has established diverse and substantive partnerships, cooperative relations?and strategic relations of mutual benefit with 28 neighboring countries①and ASEAN. China has reached common understandings with Pakistan, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Thailand,?Mongolia,?Turkmenistan, Malaysia and Kyrgyzstan on building a community with a shared future, and has agreed with the five Mekong countries②to build a community with a shared future among Lancang-Mekong countries, and announced with the five Central Asian?countries③the decision to build?a China-Central Asia?community with a shared future. China has resolved historical boundary issues with 12 neighbors?on land④through negotiations?and signed the treaties?of good-neighborliness and friendly cooperation with nine?neighboring countries⑤.China has signed and ratified the Protocol to the Treaty on a?Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone?in Central Asia, respects Mongolia’s nuclear-weapon-free status, became the first to join?the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia?and is fully prepared?to sign the Protocol to the Southeast?Asia?Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone?Treaty?at any time.




Mutual benefits keep deepening. China is the largest trading partner of 18 neighboring countries⑥. In 2022, China’s trade in goods with?neighboring countries exceeded?USD 2.17 trillion, up by?78?percent from?2012. The two-way investment between China and ASEAN has exceeded?USD 380 billion?in cumulative terms. China took the lead in ratifying the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and worked for its entry into force and implementation, enabling and enhancing regional economic integration.




The Belt and Road Initiative?(BRI)?has delivered benefits to the neighborhood. China upholds the principle of planning together,?building together and benefiting together, stays committed to the philosophy?of open, green and clean?cooperation, strives to achieve high-standard, sustainable and people-centered cooperation. China has?signed Belt and Road cooperation documents with 24 neighboring countries⑦, and worked to synergize the BRI with cooperation plans of?ASEAN and the Eurasian Economic Union.?China has initiated the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Silk Road Fund to provide financial support for infrastructure projects. Thanks to the joint efforts of all parties, a general connectivity framework consisting of six corridors, six connectivity routes and multiple countries and ports has been put in place.?The fruitful Belt and Road cooperation has spurred economic growth?and improved people’s lives in relevant countries?and has injected strong impetus into economic recovery in the region.


區域合作走深走實(shí)。中國與周邊國家共同創(chuàng )立的上海合作組織已發(fā)展成為世界上幅員最廣、人口最多的綜合性區域合作組織。中國與中亞五國建立中國—中亞機制,成為推進(jìn)六國深度合作的重要平臺。瀾湄合作是次區域互利合作的成功實(shí)踐,瀾湄流域經(jīng)濟發(fā)展帶正在形成。中國堅持開(kāi)放包容的精神,積極參與以東盟為中心的東亞合作機制、中日韓合作、亞太經(jīng)合組織等多邊合作,促進(jìn)了地區融合發(fā)展和人民福祉。


Regional cooperation has grown in depth and substance. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization?(SCO),?co-founded by China and neighboring countries, has become a comprehensive regional organization with the largest geographical?coverage and population.?The China-Central Asia mechanism established by China and the five Central Asian countries has emerged as an important platform for?in-depth cooperation between the six countries. Lancang-Mekong Cooperation is a success story of mutually beneficial cooperation in the sub-region, and the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Economic Development Belt is taking shape. In a spirit of?openness?and inclusiveness, China?actively participates?in multilateral cooperation, including the ASEAN-centered East Asia cooperation mechanism, China-Japan-ROK cooperation, and?Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation?(APEC), contributing to the region’s?integrated development and people’s well-being.


有效管控熱點(diǎn)問(wèn)題。中國為推動(dòng)政治解決地區熱點(diǎn)問(wèn)題積極貢獻中國智慧,提出并踐行中國特色熱點(diǎn)問(wèn)題解決之道。在朝鮮半島問(wèn)題上,著(zhù)眼維護半島和平穩定并實(shí)現長(cháng)治久安,創(chuàng )造性提出“雙暫停”倡議和“雙軌并進(jìn)”思路,堅持政治解決方向,積極勸和促談。在阿富汗問(wèn)題上,搭建阿富汗鄰國協(xié)調合作機制,重啟中阿巴三方外長(cháng)對話(huà),提出幫助阿富汗重建發(fā)展的《屯溪倡議》,匯聚各方合力。在緬甸問(wèn)題上,促推各方彌合分歧,恢復國家社會(huì )穩定,盡快啟動(dòng)政治對話(huà)。


Hotspot issues have been effectively managed and?controlled. China has contributed solutions to political settlement of regional hotspot issues, and proposed and put into action?the?Chinese approach to addressing hotspot issues. On the Korean Peninsula issue, for the sake of?peace, stability, and lasting security on the Peninsula, China has put forward the innovative “suspension-for-suspension” proposal and the dual-track approach,?stayed committed to?political settlement?and actively facilitated?peace talks. On Afghanistan, China has?established?a mechanism for coordination and cooperation among Afghanistan’s neighbors, relaunched?the?China-Afghanistan-Pakistan?Foreign Ministers’?Dialogue, and issued the Tunxi Initiative on helping?Afghanistan with?reconstruction and development, building synergy among various parties. On Myanmar, China has?encouraged the parties to bridge differences, restore?social stability?in the country, and launch political dialogue?as quickly as possible.




Risks and challenges have been addressed effectively. China and neighboring countries have worked together in tackling such?challenges as terrorism, separatism and financial crisis?in the region. Since COVID-19 broke out, China and neighboring countries have come?together to overcome difficulties, which reflects the spirit of a community with a shared future and provided leadership for?global solidarity against the pandemic.




The?remarkable progress?made in Asia?is attributable to the joint efforts of?China and?neighboring countries,?and?need to?be cherished. China’s development would not be possible without a peaceful and stable neighboring?environment. The development of China and that of neighboring countries?complement and reinforce each other. China’s development will bring?major?opportunities and?long-term benefits to countries across Asia, and will make even greater contributions to?peace and development?in the region.



III. Concepts and Propositions of China’s Neighborhood Diplomacy in the New Era




In the Report to the 20th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping underscored?that “China has always been committed to its foreign policy goals of upholding world peace and promoting common development, and it is dedicated to promoting a community with a shared future?for mankind”. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, China will maintain the continuity and stability of its?neighborhood diplomacy, adhere to the policy of developing friendship and partnership with neighbors,?and act on?the principle of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness.?China?is committed to?good neighborliness, good faith?and amity; believes in sincerity and mutual assistance;?pursues mutual benefit and win-win cooperation; advocates?inclusiveness?and mutual learning, and seeks?common ground while?shelving differences.?China will endeavor to further the?political relations, strengthen the economic bonds, deepen security cooperation and foster even closer cultural ties?with neighboring countries, in a bid to?further advance?the building of a community with a shared future among neighboring countries.


中國將推動(dòng)構建新型國際關(guān)系,同地區國家共同深化平等、開(kāi)放、合作的伙伴關(guān)系。中國堅定維護自身主權、安全和發(fā)展利益,尊重各國主權和領(lǐng)土完整,尊重各國人民自主選擇的發(fā)展道路和社會(huì )制度,不干涉他國內政。堅持大小國家一律平等,促進(jìn)“全球南方”團結與合作,維護發(fā)展中國家共同利益,增強新興市場(chǎng)國家和發(fā)展中國家在全球事務(wù)中的代表性和發(fā)言權。促進(jìn)大國協(xié)調和良性互動(dòng),推動(dòng)構建和平共處、總體穩定、均衡發(fā)展的大國關(guān)系格局。中美應在相互尊重、和平共處、合作共贏(yíng)基礎上,在亞太實(shí)現良性互動(dòng),為地區穩定發(fā)展提供正能量。


China will foster a new type of international relations, and work with regional countries to?deepen partnerships featuring?equality, openness and cooperation. China firmly?defends its?sovereignty, security and development interests,?respects?the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, respects?the?development path?and social system?chosen independently by?the?people of each?country, and does not interfere in other countries’?internal affairs. China?upholds equality between countries regardless of their size, promotes the unity and cooperation of the Global South, upholds the common interests?of developing countries, and works to raise?the representation and voice?of emerging markets and developing countries?in global affairs. China promotes?coordination and sound interactions among major countries, and pursues major-country relationships?that feature?peaceful coexistence, overall stability and balanced development. China and the United States should, on the basis of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation,?engage?in sound?interactions in the Asia-Pacific?and contribute positive energy?to regional stability?and development.




China will?stay committed to the principle of?equality, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, and work with regional countries to advance modernization. Chinese modernization provides a?new choice for developing countries to explore their modernization?pathways. China will?seek to develop itself while safeguarding?regional?peace and development, keep?creating?new opportunities for neighboring countries with China’s new?development, and follow?a path of open, cooperative and win-win development together with neighboring countries.




China will stay committed to the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and work with regional countries to maintain regional peace and stability. China rejects?the Cold War mentality, unilateralism,?group politics and bloc confrontation. China attaches importance to the legitimate security concerns of all countries, upholds?the principle of indivisible security, seeks to build?a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture, and follows?a new path to security that features dialogue over confrontation, partnership over alliance,?and win-win over zero-sum together with regional countries.




China will firmly uphold the international system with the United Nations?at its core, the international order underpinned by international law,?and the basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. China upholds open regionalism, practices?true multilateralism, and works?with neighboring countries to foster Asian values centered on?peace, cooperation, inclusiveness and integration?and promote?the?unity, development and revitalization of?Asia. China advocates inclusiveness, coexistence, exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations?that pursue harmony without uniformity and?live together?in diversity, as well as the Asian Way of mutual respect and consensus?building.?China upholds Asia’s tradition of solidarity and mutual assistance. We firmly support?ASEAN centrality in the regional architecture, and constantly work with ASEAN countries?and other neighboring countries to deepen?converging?interests and forge a strong bond among the peoples.




China will?resolutely take forward the endeavor of?national reunification, firmly oppose?“Taiwan independence” separatist activities in any form, and firmly safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity. We appreciate?Asian countries’ commitment to the one-China principle. The more unequivocal we are on?upholding the one-China principle?and the more forceful our measures are to forestall separation, the greater possibility there?is to ensure peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and?uphold?peace and prosperity in the region.




When China engages with the world, it all along values good faith?and good?neighborliness. China was, is,?and will always be a good neighbor, good friend and good partner of regional countries, and will always be a major force?underpinning peace, stability, development and prosperity.



IV. A New Vision for the “Asian Century” in the New Era




In today’s Asia, peace and stability reflect the?overwhelming?trend, and development and prosperity?represent the aspiration of the people. China and regional countries share the same continent and the same ocean. Living and thriving here together, we share a common destiny and future. China will work with regional countries in solidarity?to?build a?peaceful, secure, prosperous, beautiful, amicable and harmonious?Asian home.


共建和平安寧家園。和平、和睦、和諧是亞洲國家為人類(lèi)社會(huì )貢獻的重大文明成果。我們主張堅持和平共處理念,守住和平穩定底線(xiàn),重視各國合理安全關(guān)切,攜手應對破壞和平的威脅。中國愿同周邊鄰國長(cháng)期友好,求同存異,聚同化異,堅持以和平方式解決國家間的分歧和爭端,共同維護地區持久和平。無(wú)論發(fā)展到什么程度,中國永遠不稱(chēng)霸,永遠不搞擴張。中國將繼續同東盟國家全面有效落實(shí)《南海各方行為宣言》,積極推進(jìn)并完成“南海行為準則”磋商,同南海當事國通過(guò)對話(huà)協(xié)商妥處海上矛盾分歧,加強海上合作,深化互信安全,推動(dòng)共同開(kāi)發(fā),致力于將南海建設成為和平之海、友誼之海、合作之海。


We need to jointly build a?peaceful and secure home. The concept?of peace, amity and harmony is Asian countries’ remarkable contribution to human civilization. It is important to uphold?peaceful coexistence, defend the?red line of peace and stability, attach importance to?the legitimate security concerns of all countries,?and jointly respond to threats that undermine peace. China hopes?to work with neighboring countries to cultivate long-term good-neighborliness and friendship, expand common ground?while?shelving and resolving differences, address?differences and?disputes?between countries peacefully,?and jointly safeguard enduring?peace in the region. No matter what stage of development it reaches, China will never seek hegemony or expansion. China will continue to work?with ASEAN countries to?fully?and effectively?implement?the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC)?and?actively advance consultations?and conclusion of a?Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC), and work with parties concerned in the South China Sea?to properly address maritime?disagreements?and differences through dialogue. We need to strengthen?maritime cooperation, deepen mutual trust and security, and promote joint development, in an effort to make the South China Sea a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation.


中國愿同地區國家一道,統籌治理地區安全事務(wù)。加強經(jīng)濟金融安全合作,深化宏觀(guān)經(jīng)濟政策協(xié)調,增強區域金融穩定。推進(jìn)反恐、去極端化、打擊跨國犯罪等領(lǐng)域合作,加強核設施、網(wǎng)絡(luò )、外空、極地等領(lǐng)域安全合作。提升區域公共衛生安全治理能力,增強生物安全、危險傳染病防治、醫療物資、疫苗藥物技術(shù)等領(lǐng)域合作。加強糧食能源安全合作,確保產(chǎn)供鏈安全穩定。


China?will?work with regional countries to manage regional security affairs with a coordinated approach. We need to?enhance economic and financial security cooperation, deepen macroeconomic policy coordination,?and bolster regional financial stability. It is important to advance cooperation in such fields as counterterrorism, deradicalization?and fighting cross-border crimes, and enhance security cooperation?on?nuclear facilities, cyberspace, outer space and polar?regions. We need to?enhance the region’s?capacity in?public health security governance, and strengthen cooperation in?biosecurity, prevention and treatment of dangerous communicable?diseases, medical supplies,?and?vaccine and pharmaceutical?technologies.?Cooperation on food and energy security?needs to be enhanced to ensure?the?safety and stability of?production and supply chains.


共建繁榮美麗家園。中國將繼續堅定奉行開(kāi)放發(fā)展、互利共贏(yíng)戰略,提高貿易和投資自由化便利化水平,深化區域經(jīng)濟一體化,推動(dòng)亞洲形成更加開(kāi)放的大市場(chǎng)。中國將進(jìn)一步擴大同地區國家貿易規模,增加自周邊國家進(jìn)口,提升通關(guān)便利化水平。繼續推進(jìn)加入《全面與進(jìn)步跨太平洋伙伴關(guān)系協(xié)定》和《數字經(jīng)濟伙伴關(guān)系協(xié)定》,愿同更多地區國家商簽高標準自貿協(xié)定,完善區域自貿網(wǎng)絡(luò ),打造共同大市場(chǎng)。推動(dòng)共建“一帶一路”高質(zhì)量發(fā)展,優(yōu)先推進(jìn)同鄰國鐵路、公路等聯(lián)通走廊項目,加快國際陸海貿易新通道建設。我們要加緊推進(jìn)中國東盟自貿區3.0版建設,實(shí)施好《區域全面經(jīng)濟伙伴關(guān)系協(xié)定》并適時(shí)擴大成員、推動(dòng)升級。維護產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈供應鏈穩定暢通,保持合作開(kāi)放與包容。大力發(fā)展數字經(jīng)濟,在人工智能、生物醫藥、現代能源等領(lǐng)域加強交流合作,使科技創(chuàng )新成果更好造福周邊各國人民。


We need to jointly build a?prosperous and beautiful home. China will continue to firmly pursue the strategy of?openness,?development and mutual benefit, raise?the level of trade and investment facilitation and liberalization, deepen regional economic integration,?and build a more open Asian big market. China will further expand?trade with regional countries, increase imports from neighboring countries,?and improve customs clearance facilitation. China will continue to promote the process of joining the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership?(CPTPP)?and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement?(DEPA). China stands ready?to negotiate high-standard free trade agreements with more regional countries, improve the?regional free trade network, and build a common big?market. To promote?high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, China will give priority to?connectivity corridor projects of railways?and highways with neighboring countries, and accelerate the development?of?the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor. We?need to speed up development of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement?3.0, effectively implement?RCEP and work for its expansion and upgrading in?due course. It is important to?maintain the stable and smooth operation of industrial and supply chains to underpin open and inclusive cooperation. We need to?vigorously develop the digital economy, strengthen exchange?and cooperation in artificial intelligence, bio-medicine, modern energy and other fields, and translate?scientific and technological innovation achievements into greater benefits?to?the?people of regional?countries.


中國愿同地區國家一道,堅持綠色發(fā)展理念,加快形成綠色發(fā)展方式,以創(chuàng )新為驅動(dòng),大力推進(jìn)經(jīng)濟、能源、產(chǎn)業(yè)結構轉型升級,努力平衡減排和發(fā)展的關(guān)系,構建經(jīng)濟與環(huán)境協(xié)同共進(jìn)的亞洲家園。堅持共同但有區別的責任原則,加強應對氣候變化合作。中國愿在實(shí)現碳達峰碳中和的進(jìn)程中,同周邊國家互學(xué)互鑒、互利共贏(yíng),加強綠色金融和綠色投資合作,為地區低碳可持續發(fā)展提供支撐。構建藍色經(jīng)濟伙伴關(guān)系,促進(jìn)海洋可持續發(fā)展。


China stands ready to work with regional countries to pursue?green development and?green growth model, drive economic growth with innovation, transform and upgrade?economic, energy and industrial structures,?and strike a fine balance?between emission reduction and economic growth, in a bid to build an Asian?home enjoying the concerted?progress of economic growth and environmental progress. It is important to?uphold the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities?and strengthen climate cooperation. In the process of achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, China?stands ready?to promote mutual learning and mutual benefit?with neighboring countries, strengthen?cooperation in green finance and green investment, and support?low-carbon,?sustainable development in the region. Efforts should be made?to build a blue economic partnership and promote?the?sustainable development of the ocean.




We need to jointly build an?amicable and harmonious?home. We?uphold?mutual respect and equality?in promoting?exchanges, dialogue, inclusiveness and mutual learning among civilizations. It is important to?extract nutrients from the millennia-long?Asian?civilization, to help forge the?collective identity of the Asian value, way and tradition, expand people-to-people exchanges and cooperation?in the region, and cement popular support for?good-neighborliness. More measures need to be introduced to facilitate traveling. China will strengthen cooperation in vocational education, higher education and mutual recognition of educational certificates,?provide more government?scholarships and scholarships for various universities and majors for neighboring countries, and facilitate the traveling?of international?students. We will continue to promote exchanges in the fields of culture, arts, youth, tourism, localities, media, think tanks and non-governmental?organizations, and strengthen?cooperation on Asia’s cultural and sports industry.




China stands ready to work with neighboring countries to,?relying?on the four pillars of connectivity, development, security and people-to-people exchanges and focusing?on the six cooperation areas of the political sector, economy and trade, science?and technology, security,?people-to-people exchanges?and global challenges, work for?a community with a shared future among?neighboring countries?that features?shared concepts, plans, benefits, security and responsibilities. We need to jointly?build a demonstration area of high-quality?Belt and Road?cooperation, and deepen “physical connectivity” of infrastructure and “institutional?connectivity” of rules and standards. We will work together to build?Global Development Initiative pilot zone featuring more equitable, balanced and inclusive development partnership, Global Security Initiative pilot zone featuring an Asian pathway of security defined by planning together, building together and benefiting together,?and Global Civilization Initiative pilot zone that boosts people-to-people exchanges and the mutual learning, harmonious coexistence of civilizations.


中國將積極參與東亞合作、中國—中亞機制、上海合作組織、金磚國家合作機制、亞太經(jīng)合組織、亞洲相互協(xié)作與信任措施會(huì )議等多邊機制和組織,加強同太平洋島國論壇、環(huán)印度洋聯(lián)盟等區域性組織對話(huà)合作,共同促進(jìn)亞洲—太平洋—印度洋地區的聯(lián)通、穩定與發(fā)展。


China will take an active part?in?East Asia?cooperation, China-Central Asia?mechanism,?SCO, BRICS, APEC, Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia?(CICA)?and other multilateral mechanisms and organizations, and strengthen dialogue and cooperation with the Pacific Islands Forum, Indian?Ocean Rim Association and other regional organizations, in a bid to jointly?promote the connectivity, stability and development of Asia, Pacific?Ocean and Indian?Ocean regions.







Asia?is poised for?promising?prospects and revitalization. As President Xi Jinping pointed out, when Asia fares well, the whole world benefits. In this spirit, we need to?work for sound progress and development in Asia, demonstrate?Asia’s?resilience, wisdom and strength, and make Asia an anchor for world peace, a powerhouse for global growth and a new pacesetter for international cooperation.




One Asia, one future. We are all in?an era?full of both challenges and hope. Unprecedented opportunities and challenges require?countries to work together in unprecedented solidarity and coordination. Only when all countries pursue the cause of common good, live in harmony and engage in win-win cooperation, will there be sustained prosperity and guaranteed security.


中國正在全面建設社會(huì )主義現代化國家,努力實(shí)現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢(mèng),愿一如既往支持和幫助地區各國人民追求幸福美好生活,攜手實(shí)現持久和平、共同發(fā)展的亞洲夢(mèng),共同構建周邊命運共同體!


China is now building a modern socialist country in all respects and striving to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. In this process, China stands ready as always to?support?the efforts of people in the region?to pursue a happy life,?and work hand in hand with regional countries to realize the Asian?dream?of lasting peace and common development, and?build?a?community with a shared future?among neighboring countries.




①The 28 countries that have established partnerships, cooperative relations or strategic relations of mutual benefit with China are Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Timor-Leste, Russia, the Philippines, Kazakhstan, the Republic of Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Cambodia, Laos, Maldives, Malaysia, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Japan, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Brunei, Uzbekistan, Singapore, India, Indonesia and Viet Nam.




②The five Mekong countries are Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam.




③The five Central Asian countries are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.




④The 12 land neighbors that have resolved the boundary issues with China through negotiations are: the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar, Laos and Viet Nam.




⑤The nine neighboring countries that have signed treaties of good-neighborliness and friendly cooperation with China are Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.




⑥The 18 neighboring countries whose largest trading partner is China are Pakistan, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Russia, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Cambodia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Japan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Singapore, Indonesia and Viet Nam.




⑦The 24 neighboring countries that have signed Belt and Road cooperation documents with China are Afghanistan, Timor-Leste, Russia, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Kazakhstan, Laos, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Brunei, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Maldives, Singapore, Tajikistan, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Indonesia and Viet Nam.