

2023/12/21 8:42:19來(lái)源:英文巴士

Message from Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of the International Migrants Day文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15118.html



18 December 2023文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15118.html



Today, there are almost 280 million migrants in the world, which is three times as many as 50 years ago.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15118.html




This spectacular increase is the result of many factors. Some leave home to study abroad, others to find work or to join a relative or spouse.




However, far too many are forced to leave their homes. Conflict, human rights violations and poverty continue to drive millions of men and women into exile. Today, climate disruption has become yet another factor leading to exile, and by 2050, some 216 million people – 86 million of them in sub-Saharan Africa alone – will be forced to abandon their homelands.




In the quest for a better future, the journey is often perilous, sometimes even fatal: since 2014, at least 60,000 migrants have lost their lives.




Whatever the reasons for their departure, and whatever the conditions in which they take to the road, migrants and displaced persons represent some of the most vulnerable groups in society.


無(wú)論出于什么原因背井離鄉,在什么條件下上路啟程,移民和流離失所者都是社會(huì )中最脆弱的群體。


On this International Migrants Day, UNESCO thus reaffirms its commitment to defending migrants’ fundamental rights, as we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights this year.




As part of our mandate, our Organization acts first and foremost to protect migrants’ access to education, in the face of the legal, administrative and linguistic obstacles they encounter.


在我們的職責范圍內,本組織的首要任務(wù)是保護移民接受教育的機會(huì ),以便他們得以應對法律、行政和語(yǔ)言方面的障礙。


In Latin America, for example, UNESCO is working to ensure continuity of education for migrant children in Venezuela, enabling more than 150,000 of them to attend school in Colombia thanks to our collaboration with the country’s authorities. We have also been involved in training more than 2,500 Peruvian principals and teachers, since 2021, to handle issues of inclusion and cultural diversity in schools.




Given that the probability of emigrating increases with the level of education, UNESCO has also recently developed a powerful integration tool: the Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education.




The Convention, which came into force last March, enables millions of migrants to continue their studies in their host countries, thus supporting their professional integration.




In addition to education, UNESCO works to combat the stigmatization, xenophobia and racism to which migrants are particularly exposed.




The Global Forum against Racism and Discrimination, organized last month by UNESCO in S?o Paulo, Brazil, mobilized the international community around these issues for the third year running, and launched new initiatives in this area.


教科文組織上個(gè)月在巴西圣保羅舉辦的反對種族主義和歧視全球論壇,連續第三年動(dòng)員國際社會(huì )關(guān)注這些問(wèn)題,并在該領(lǐng)域發(fā)起了新的倡議。


Finally, UNESCO supports journalists in their work to combat widespread misinformation about migrants. With this in mind, UNESCO published a handbook for journalism educators in 2021 – a comprehensive 13-module course designed to promote more informed public debate on the subject.




On this day of mobilization, UNESCO calls on the entire international community and all our societies to stand up for dignity and for the respect of migrants’ rights – that is, the universal respect of human rights.


值此行動(dòng)動(dòng)員日,教科文組織呼吁整個(gè)國際社會(huì )以及我們所有的社會(huì ),為維護移民的尊嚴、尊重移民的權利亦即普遍尊重人權而努力奮斗。