
雙語(yǔ)|習近平在中阿合作論壇第十屆部長(cháng)級會(huì )議開(kāi)幕式上的主旨講話(huà)

2024/6/4 9:27:05來(lái)源:英文巴士


Further Deepening Cooperation and Moving Forward to Step up the Building of a China-Arab Community with a Shared Future文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15431.html


——在中阿合作論壇第十屆部長(cháng)級會(huì )議開(kāi)幕式上的主旨講話(huà)文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15431.html

– Keynote Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15431.html


中華人民共和國主席 習近平文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15431.html

H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15431.html



Beijing, May 30, 2024










Your Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa,

Your Excellency President Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi,

Your Excellency President Kais Saied,

Your Highness President Mohamed Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan,

Your Excellency Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit of the League of Arab States,

Heads of Delegations,

Distinguished Guests,



很高興出席中阿合作論壇部長(cháng)級會(huì )議開(kāi)幕式。每次同阿拉伯朋友相聚,我都倍感親切。中國和中國人民同阿拉伯國家和人民的友誼,緣自絲綢古道上的友好往來(lái),緣自爭取民族解放時(shí)的并肩戰斗,緣自國家建設進(jìn)程中的合作共贏(yíng)。


It gives me great pleasure to attend the opening ceremony of the Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum. I always find it heart-warming to meet Arab friends. The friendship between the Chinese and Arab peoples is deeply rooted in our friendly exchanges along the ancient Silk Road, in our joint struggles for national liberation, and in our win-win cooperation in promoting national development.


新世紀以來(lái),中阿關(guān)系不斷邁上新臺階。2022年12月,我赴沙特利雅得出席首屆中阿峰會(huì ),和阿拉伯同事們一致同意全力構建面向新時(shí)代的中阿命運共同體。中方對首屆中阿峰會(huì )成果落實(shí)情況感到滿(mǎn)意,愿同阿方發(fā)揮好峰會(huì )戰略引領(lǐng)作用,持續推動(dòng)中阿關(guān)系跨越式發(fā)展。在此,我高興地向大家宣布,中方將于2026年在中國舉辦第二屆中阿峰會(huì ),相信這將成為中阿關(guān)系又一座里程碑。


China-Arab relations have kept scaling new heights since the beginning of the new century. At the first China-Arab States Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in December 2022, my Arab colleagues and I agreed unanimously to build a China-Arab community with a shared future?in the new era. China is satisfied with the progress we have made in delivering on the Summit’s outcomes. It will work with the Arab side to enhance the role of the Summit in providing strategic guidance for continued leapfrog growth of China-Arab relations. I am pleased to announce that we will host the second Summit in China in 2026, which will be another milestone in China-Arab relations.




Distinguished Guests,



當前,世界百年變局正在加速演進(jìn),中國和阿拉伯國家都肩負著(zhù)實(shí)現各自民族振興、加快國家建設的時(shí)代使命。構建中阿命運共同體彰顯我們開(kāi)辟中阿關(guān)系新紀元、開(kāi)創(chuàng )美好世界新未來(lái)的共同愿望。


As changes unseen in a century unfold rapidly across the world, both China and Arab states strive to accomplish their historical missions of national rejuvenation and faster national development. Building a China-Arab community with a shared future is a strong statement of our common desire for a new era of China-Arab relations and a better future for the world.




China will work with the Arab side as good partners to make our relations a model for maintaining world peace and stability.?In this turbulent world, peaceful relations come from mutual respect, and lasting security is built on fairness and justice. We will, together with the Arab side, respect the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter, the independent choice of every nation and the reality formed in history, and strive together for solutions to hotspot issues that uphold fairness and justice and sustain peace and security.


中方愿同阿方平等互利,把中阿關(guān)系建設成高質(zhì)量共建“一帶一路”的樣板。絲路精神薪火相傳,引領(lǐng)中阿合作與時(shí)俱進(jìn),廣泛惠及雙方人民。面對相互依存的世界,我們愿同阿方持續對接發(fā)展戰略,不斷筑牢油氣、貿易、基礎設施等合作壓艙石,加快培育人工智能、投融資、新能源等新增長(cháng)點(diǎn),共走創(chuàng )新、綠色、繁榮之路。


China will work with the Arab side in the spirit of equality and mutual benefit to make our relations a fine example of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. The Silk Road spirit is passed on from generation to generation. It keeps China-Arab relations abreast with the times to the benefit of the two peoples. In this interdependent world, we will further synergize development strategies with the Arab side. We will strengthen cooperation in key areas such as oil, gas, trade and infrastructure, step up fostering new growth areas such as artificial intelligence?(AI), investment, financing and new energy, and embark together on an innovative and green path to prosperity.




China will work with the Arab side in the spirit of inclusiveness and mutual learning to make?our relations a paradigm of harmonious coexistence between civilizations.?In a world of growing diversity, more dialogue means less confrontation, and more inclusiveness means less estrangement. Peace, truth, integrity and inclusiveness are the common pursuit of Chinese and Arab peoples. We are ready to work with the Arab side to promote people-to-people exchanges, champion the common values?of humanity, and create a stellar example of mutual learning among civilizations in the new era.




China will work closely with the Arab side to make our relations?a model for promoting good global governance. The entire humanity shares one common future, which has become an inevitable trend. But deficits in governance, trust, peace?and development?are getting wider. This calls on us to improve global governance under the principle of “planning together, building together, and benefiting together.” We are ready to work with the Arab side to jointly champion an equal and?orderly?multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, and set a model of South-South cooperation on global governance.




Distinguished Guests,



首屆中阿峰會(huì )期間,我提出推進(jìn)中阿務(wù)實(shí)合作“八大共同行動(dòng)”。一年多來(lái),經(jīng)過(guò)雙方共同努力,中阿簽署共建“一帶一路”合作文件實(shí)現全覆蓋,科技研發(fā)、技術(shù)轉移取得新進(jìn)展,經(jīng)貿、能源合作邁上新臺階,標志性的旗艦項目和“小而美”的惠民工程并行推進(jìn),糧食安全、綠色創(chuàng )新、衛生健康等領(lǐng)域合作走深走實(shí),人文交流合作平臺高質(zhì)量運轉,“八大共同行動(dòng)”取得重要早期收獲。下階段,中方愿以此為基礎,同阿方構建“五大合作格局”,推動(dòng)中阿命運共同體建設跑出加速度。


At the first China-Arab States Summit, I put forward “eight major cooperation initiatives”?for our practical cooperation. Since then, the Belt and Road cooperation documents we signed have expanded to cover a full range of areas thanks to our joint efforts over the past one year and more. New progress has been made in scientific R&D and technology transfer. Trade and energy cooperation have?scaled new heights. Small and beautiful livelihood projects are advancing in parallel?with signature flagship projects. Cooperation in areas such as food security, green innovation and health is deepening and getting more substantial.?Platforms for people-to-people exchanges and cooperation are functioning well. Early harvests have been achieved in all the “eight major cooperation initiatives.”?Moving forward, China is ready to work with the Arab side on that basis to put in place the following “five cooperation frameworks” to step up the building of a China-Arab community with a shared?future.


一是更富活力的創(chuàng )新驅動(dòng)格局。中方將同阿方在生命健康、人工智能、綠色低碳、現代農業(yè)、空間信息等領(lǐng)域共建10家聯(lián)合實(shí)驗室;愿同阿方加強人工智能領(lǐng)域合作,共同促進(jìn)人工智能賦能實(shí)體經(jīng)濟,推動(dòng)形成具有廣泛共識的全球人工智能治理體系;愿同阿方共建空間碎片聯(lián)合觀(guān)測中心、北斗應用合作發(fā)展中心,加強載人航天、民用客機等合作。


The first?is?a more dynamic framework for innovation.?China will build with the Arab side ten joint laboratories in such areas as life and health, AI, green and low-carbon development, modern agriculture, and space and information technology. We will enhance cooperation on AI?to?make it empower the real economy and to?promote a broad-based global governance system?on AI. We also stand ready to build with the Arab side a joint space debris observation center and a Beidou application, cooperation and development center, and step up cooperation in manned space mission and passenger aircraft.




The second?is?an expanded framework for investment and finance cooperation. We are ready to?establish with the Arab side an industry and investment cooperation forum, continue to expand?the China-Arab states interbank association, and implement at a faster pace the cooperation projects that are financed by the special loans in support of industrialization in the Middle East as well as by?the credit line for China-Arab financial cooperation. China supports?closer cooperation between financial institutions from the two sides, welcomes?Arab states to issue panda bonds in China, and welcomes?Arab banks to join the Cross-border Interbank Payment System. China is?also ready to deepen exchanges and cooperation on central bank digital currency with the Arab side.




The third is a more multifaceted framework for energy cooperation.?China will further enhance strategic cooperation with the Arab side on oil and gas, and integrate supply security with market security. China is ready to work with the Arab side on new energy technology R&D and equipment production. We will support Chinese energy companies and financial institutions in participating in renewable energy projects in Arab states?with total installed capacity of over 3?million kilowatts.


四是更為平衡的經(jīng)貿互惠格局。中方將繼續積極推動(dòng)實(shí)施30億元人民幣的發(fā)展合作項目;愿同阿方加快雙邊和區域自由貿易協(xié)定談判,推動(dòng)電子商務(wù)合作對話(huà)機制建設。中方歡迎阿方積極參加中國國際進(jìn)口博覽會(huì ),愿擴大自阿方進(jìn)口非能源類(lèi)產(chǎn)品特別是農食產(chǎn)品。


The fourth is a more balanced framework for?mutually beneficial economic and trade ties.?China will continue to implement vigorously the development cooperation projects?with a total worth of RMB3 billion yuan. It stands ready to accelerate the negotiations on bilateral and regional free trade agreements and advance the dialogue mechanism for e-commerce cooperation. It welcomes active participation of the Arab side in the China International Import Expo, and is willing to expand import of non-energy products?from the Arab side, especially agricultural products.




The fifth is?a broader framework for?people-to-people exchanges.?China is ready to establish with the Arab side the China-Arab Center of Global Civilization Initiative, expand the size and influence of the China-Arab Research Center on Reform and Development, accelerate the establishment of such platforms as the think?tank alliance, the youth development forum, the university alliance, and the research center on cultural and tourism cooperation. China will invite 200 leaders of Arab political parties to visit China every year. We plan to work with the Arab side to achieve the goal of 10?million two-way visits of tourists in the next five years.




Distinguished Guests,



中東是一片發(fā)展沃土,但這片土地上戰火仍在延燒。去年10月以來(lái),巴以沖突劇烈升級,人民遭受沉重苦難。戰爭不能再無(wú)限繼續,正義也不能永久缺席,“兩國方案”更不能任意動(dòng)搖。中方堅定支持建立以1967年邊界為基礎、以東耶路撒冷為首都、享有完全主權的獨立的巴勒斯坦國,支持巴勒斯坦成為聯(lián)合國正式會(huì )員國,支持召開(kāi)更大規模、更具權威、更有實(shí)效的國際和會(huì )。中方將在前期1億元人民幣緊急人道主義援助的基礎上,再提供5億元人民幣援助,支持緩解加沙人道主義危機和戰后重建;將向聯(lián)合國近東巴勒斯坦難民救濟和工程處提供300萬(wàn)美元捐款,支持工程處向加沙地區提供緊急人道主義援助。


The Middle East is a land bestowed with broad prospects for development, but the war is still raging?on it. Since last October, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has escalated drastically, throwing the people into tremendous sufferings. War should not continue indefinitely. Justice should not be absent forever. Commitment to the two-State solution should not be?wavered?at will. China firmly supports?the establishment of an independent State of Palestine that enjoys full sovereignty based on the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital. It?supports?Palestine’s full membership in the U.N., and supports?a more broad-based, authoritative and effective international peace conference.?On top of the previous RMB100 million yuan of emergency humanitarian assistance, China will provide an additional RMB500 million yuan of assistance to help ease the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and support post-conflict reconstruction. We will donate U.S.$3 million to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East in support of its emergency humanitarian assistance to Gaza.


阿拉伯諺語(yǔ)說(shuō),朋友是生活中的陽(yáng)光。我們將繼續同阿拉伯朋友一道,弘揚中阿友好精神,團結共創(chuàng )未來(lái),讓構建中阿命運共同體的大道充滿(mǎn)陽(yáng)光!


As an Arab saying goes, friends are the sunshine in life. We will continue to work with our Arab friends to carry forward the spirit of China-Arab friendship, build together a better future, and make the road sunny toward a China-Arab community with a shared future!




Thank you!