

2024/6/14 8:45:02來(lái)源:英文巴士

Message by UN Secretary-General António Guterres on World Oceans Day文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15454.html



8 June 2024文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15454.html



The ocean sustains and enhances all life on Earth.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15454.html




But our ocean is in trouble. And we only have ourselves to blame.




Climate change is triggering rising seas and threatening the very existence of small island developing states and coastal populations.




Record sea temperatures are sparking extreme weather events that affect us all.


創(chuàng )紀錄的海水溫度正在引發(fā)影響我們所有人的極端天氣事件。


Ocean acidification is destroying coral reefs, breaking a vital link in food chains and threatening tourism and local economies.




And unsustainable coastal development, overfishing, deep-sea mining, unchecked pollution and plastic waste are wreaking havoc on marine ecosystems across the globe.




Yet there are glimmers of hope.




Last year, the UN General Assembly adopted the historic Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction – the most significant new treaty on ocean governance in decades.


去年,聯(lián)合國大會(huì )通過(guò)了具有歷史意義的《〈聯(lián)合國海洋法公約〉下國家管轄范圍以外區域海洋生物多樣性的養護和可持續利用協(xié)定》——這是幾十年來(lái)關(guān)于海洋治理的最重要的新條約。


The process underway to develop a legally binding treaty to end plastic pollution provides another opportunity to advance our shared goal of protecting our ocean.


目前正在制定一項旨在結束塑料污染的具有法律約束力的條約,這為推進(jìn)我們保護海洋的共同目標提供了又一個(gè)機會(huì )。


The recent opinion by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea is another breakthrough, calling on nations to take measures to reduce, control and prevent marine pollution caused by greenhouse gas emissions.




This year’s Summit of the Future and next year’s UN Oceans Conference in France are further opportunities to commit to action that can restore and protect our precious marine and coastal ecosystems.


今年的未來(lái)峰會(huì )和明年在法國舉行的聯(lián)合國海洋大會(huì )將為我們承諾采取行動(dòng)、恢復和保護我們寶貴的海洋和沿海生態(tài)系統提供更多機會(huì )。


Now is the time for governments, businesses, investors, scientists and communities to come together in defense of our ocean.




On World Oceans Day, let’s heed this year’s theme, and awaken new depths of action for our ocean.

