
雙語(yǔ)|王毅在金磚國家外長(cháng)會(huì )晤上的發(fā)言

2024/6/20 9:33:19來(lái)源:英文巴士

凝聚同舟共濟力量,共創(chuàng )金磚光明未來(lái)文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15472.html

Pooling Strengths and Working Together for a Brighter Future of BRICS文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15472.html


——王毅在金磚國家外長(cháng)會(huì )晤上的發(fā)言文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15472.html

– Remarks by H.E. Wang Yi at the BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs / International Relations Meeting文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15472.html



Nizhny Novgorod, June 10, 2024文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15472.html




Dear Colleagues,


大家好,很高興來(lái)到下諾夫哥羅德出席金磚國家外長(cháng)正式會(huì )晤。感謝拉夫羅夫外長(cháng)和俄羅斯政府所作周到安排。


Good morning. It is a great pleasure to join you at Nizhny Novgorod for the BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs / International Relations Meeting. I thank Minister Lavrov and the Russian government for the thoughtful arrangements.


過(guò)去一年,金磚合作有亮度、有速度、有力度。我們勇立潮頭,以擴員開(kāi)啟“全球南方”聯(lián)合自強新紀元。金磚感召力不斷上升,吸引力持續增強,金字招牌越來(lái)越亮。我們相互成就,擴員后的金磚占全球人口近一半、全球貿易五分之一,經(jīng)濟總量按購買(mǎi)力平價(jià)計算已超七國集團。今年一季度,中國對金磚國家進(jìn)出口同比增長(cháng)超過(guò)11%,金磚逆風(fēng)跑出了加速度。我們團結一心,召開(kāi)金磚國家領(lǐng)導人巴以問(wèn)題特別峰會(huì ),在二十國集團等多邊機制中共同捍衛發(fā)展中國家權益,金磚的聲音更加有力。


Over the past year, BRICS cooperation has moved forward with highlights, with speed and with strength. We made pioneering efforts and expanded the BRICS mechanism, opening up a new chapter of the Global South seeking strength through unity. With growing appeal and inspiration, BRICS has further burnished its credentials. We enabled each other’s success. Upon expansion, BRICS countries account for nearly half of the global population and one-fifth of global trade, and their total economic output has overtaken that of G7 in PPP terms. In the first quarter of this year, China’s import and export with its BRICS partners increased by over 11 percent year on year. Despite global headwinds, BRICS cooperation is picking up speed. Standing in solidarity, we convened the Extraordinary Joint Meeting of BRICS Leaders and Leaders of Invited BRICS Members on the Situation in the Middle East with Particular Reference to Gaza, and jointly defended the common interests of the developing world in such multilateral mechanisms as the G20. We BRICS countries are now speaking with a stronger voice.


立足當下,金磚要在百年變局中站得高、看得遠。當前,個(gè)別大國重拾冷戰思維,拼湊地緣政治“小圈子”,公然抵制聯(lián)合國安理會(huì )決議,侵蝕多邊機制權威性。經(jīng)濟問(wèn)題政治化、泛安全化甚囂塵上,單邊制裁、科技壁壘有增無(wú)減。面對促進(jìn)世界多極化和維護單極霸權兩種力量的較量,面對經(jīng)濟全球化和“逆全球化”兩種取向的碰撞,我們應順應歷史潮流,站在公道正義一邊,作出正確抉擇。


At this moment, amid the once-in-a-century transformation, BRICS should stand on higher ground and see further ahead. Some major country, still harboring Cold War mentality, is cobbling up geopolitical blocs and even publicly challenging UNSC resolutions, which erodes the authority of multilateral mechanisms. Economic issues are politicized; the notion of national security is overstretched; and unilateral sanctions and technology barriers are growing. In the face of a contest between forces promoting world multipolarity and forces holding onto unipolar hegemony, between globalization and anti-globalization, we must follow the trend of history, stand on the side of fairness and justice, and make the right choice.




Looking ahead, BRICS should shoulder greater responsibilities and make greater contributions. We should bring out the strategic significance and political impact of the expanded BRICS, and make it a new type of multilateral cooperation mechanism with emerging markets and developing countries as the mainstay, and with an open, inclusive and globally-oriented outlook.




First, we need to firm up confidence in multilateralism and draw a new blueprint for future global development. We should continue to hold high the banner of multilateralism, take the lead in defending the U.N.-centered international system and firmly reject attempts to disrupt international order or trample on international rules. We should advance an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization.


今明兩年,我們將迎來(lái)聯(lián)合國未來(lái)峰會(huì )、聯(lián)合國成立80周年等重要國際議程,金磚國家將相繼舉辦二十國集團峰會(huì )、聯(lián)合國氣候變化大會(huì )等重大活動(dòng)。我們要加強協(xié)調配合,點(diǎn)亮“南方時(shí)刻”。要推動(dòng)將發(fā)展置于國際議程中心位置,敦促發(fā)達國家履行發(fā)展援助、氣候融資等承諾。要積極投身新疆域全球治理,促進(jìn)發(fā)展中國家數字經(jīng)濟、人工智能等能力建設,確保平等參與、平等受益。


This year and next, there will be important events on the international agenda, including the United Nations Summit of the Future and the U.N.’s 80th anniversary. BRICS country will play host to the G20 summit and the U.N. Climate Change Conference COP30. It is important that we strengthen coordination and collaboration and create highlights of the Global South. We should put development at the center of the global agenda, and urge developed countries to live up to their commitments on development assistance and climate financing. We also need to play an active part in global governance on new frontiers, build up developing countries’ capacity in digital economy and artificial intelligence (AI), and ensure equal participation and fair benefit-sharing.


二是要堅定維護和平安全的決心,為政治解決國際熱點(diǎn)問(wèn)題提供新助力。歷史反復證明,冷戰思維、集團對抗、外部干涉解決不了問(wèn)題,反而會(huì )制造出更大的問(wèn)題甚至危機。形勢再復雜,也不能放棄對話(huà)協(xié)商。沖突再尖銳,也要堅持政治解決。


Second, we need to firm up determination to safeguard peace and security and make new contributions to the political settlement of international hotspot issues. History shows that Cold War mentality, bloc confrontation or external interference cannot solve problems. Instead, they will create bigger problems or even crises. No matter how complex the situation is, parties must not give up dialogue and consultation. No matter how acute the conflict is, political settlement must be pursued.


當前,加沙的戰火考驗著(zhù)人類(lèi)社會(huì )的正義與良知。我們要推動(dòng)立即實(shí)現全面、可持續停火,緩解人道主義危機,防止沖突影響外溢。要支持巴勒斯坦成為聯(lián)合國正式會(huì )員國,支持恢復巴勒斯坦民族合法權利,重啟“兩國方案”,實(shí)現中東地區持久和平。


The fighting in Gaza is testing human conscience and sense of justice. We must push for an immediate ceasefire that is comprehensive and lasting, ease humanitarian crisis and prevent further spillover of the conflict. We should support Palestine’s bid for full U.N. membership, support Palestine’s efforts to restore legitimate national rights, restart the two-State solution, and bring about lasting peace in the Middle East.


烏克蘭危機仍在延宕,中方支持適時(shí)召開(kāi)俄烏雙方認可、各方平等參與、公平討論所有和平方案的真正和會(huì )。金磚應堅持獨立自主、客觀(guān)公正,推動(dòng)國際社會(huì )匯聚和平共識,反對借機煽動(dòng)“新冷戰”。


The Ukraine crisis is still lingering on. China supports the convening, in due course, of a true international peace conference that is recognized by both Russia and Ukraine, participated by all sides on an equal footing, and where all peace plans are discussed fairly. BRICS countries should take an independent, objective and just stance, help build international consensus for peace, and oppose attempts to instigate a new Cold War.


三是要堅定開(kāi)放包容、合作共贏(yíng)的金磚初心,讓金磚務(wù)實(shí)合作邁上新臺階。充分發(fā)揮大金磚的資源、市場(chǎng)等優(yōu)勢,推動(dòng)金磚務(wù)實(shí)合作提質(zhì)升級,確保10月金磚喀山峰會(huì )取得豐碩成果。


Third, we need to stay committed to our founding principles of openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation in order to take BRICS cooperation to a new level. We should fully unleash the strengths of an expanded BRICS, such as its resources and markets, to enhance and upgrade BRICS cooperation and ensure productive outcomes from the Kazan Summit in October.




The underpinning role of finance and trade cooperation should be harnessed. We need to create a large market and facilitate trade and investment. We should work for early breakthroughs on local currency settlement and cross-border payment cooperation through the financial track. We should promote the use of more diverse currencies at the New Development Bank for financing, and increase the share of local currencies in investment and financing activities. We will release a report on improving the international monetary and financial system, with a view to preserving international economic and financial stability.




The crucial role of energy and food security cooperation should be harnessed. BRICS countries consist of major importers and exporters of commodities such as oil, wheat and soybean. We must oppose politicization and weaponization of energy and food security issues. We should explore the establishment of a more stable supply and demand system among BRICS countries and ensure secure and smooth functioning of global supply and industrial chains. We need to make the global energy system cleaner and more sustainable.


要發(fā)揮創(chuàng )新合作的驅動(dòng)作用,共同打造人工智能、新型工業(yè)化、深海資源、數字教育、互聯(lián)互通等領(lǐng)域合作亮點(diǎn)。中方成立了“中國—金磚國家人工智能發(fā)展與合作中心”,推動(dòng)加強產(chǎn)業(yè)對接、能力建設等合作,歡迎金磚各國積極參與。


The driving force of innovation-driven cooperation should be harnessed. We need to work together for new bright spots of cooperation in AI, a new type of industrialization, deep sea resources, digital education and connectivity, among others. China has set up a China-BRICS countries AI development and cooperation center, with the aim of strengthening industrial synergy and capacity building. BRICS members are most welcome to take an active part in it.


要發(fā)揮人文交流的民心紐帶作用。新成員的加入提升了金磚多元文明的代表性,千年文明交流煥發(fā)新活力。中方支持主席國舉辦金磚運動(dòng)會(huì )、文化節等活動(dòng),在友城、媒體、青年、婦女、治國理政等領(lǐng)域開(kāi)展更靈活多樣的合作。經(jīng)中方提議,聯(lián)合國決定將6月10日設立為文明對話(huà)國際日。今天恰逢首個(gè)國際日。中方愿秉持習近平主席提出的全球文明倡議,同金磚伙伴一道,尊重文明的多樣性,弘揚全人類(lèi)共同價(jià)值,實(shí)現文明互學(xué)互鑒、共同進(jìn)步。


The role of people-to-people exchanges as a bond connecting BRICS countries should be harnessed. The accession of new members has increased the diversity and representation of BRICS and breathed new life into millennia-old civilizational exchanges. China supports the rotating president in hosting such events as BRICS sports festival and cultural festival, and in carrying out all kinds of cooperation in such areas as sister cities, media organizations, youth, women and state governance. Under the proposal of China, the U.N. has designated June 10 as the International Day for Dialogue among Civilizations. Today marks the first International Day for Dialogue among Civilizations. On this occasion, guided by the Global Civilization Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping, China stands ready to work with BRICS partners to respect the diversity of civilizations, carry forward the common values of humanity, and realize mutual learning and common progress among civilizations.




Thank you all.